Built around a chopped up sample of ambient sound effects from Dungeon Keeper (DOS).

WB19 04 Imp Rally TAPE MASTER CDDA.mp311.2mb
WB19 04 Imp Rally TAPE MASTER CDDA.wav49mb
mutexre6 years ago

Nice track. Like the drill-like samples and acid synth becoming more and more crunchy near the middle of the track.

More submissions by Tubular Corporation for Weekly Music 2019

Still really busy, but here's a kind of a break chopping exercise to get back up to speed on the MPC2000xl, with some other samples thrown on top but not really a complete thing. Mixed quickly through an old Mackie Micromix.

WB19 11.mp39.8mb
WB19 11 CDDA.wav43mb

Another really busy week, so I only had time to do a sort of ambient/drone treatment of an excerpt of the recording of the show the duo I'm in played last Tuesday. Two parallel chains of mostly low end hardware effects (some underclocked) plus a bit of Airwindows MV, also in parallel.

Credit to the other half of the duo for the polysynth stuff; I was playing guitar, x0xb0x and drum machine. The dry recording (which is almost completely absent here, this is pretty much 100% wet, live tweaked effects chains) is from the most abstract part of the set.

Thanks to THawkins for hooking me up with the Boss CE-300, without which this would have been impossible, for better or worse.

WB19 09 Deep Scan.mp311.5mb
WB19 09 Deep Scan CDDA.wav50mb

Too busy for sound design this week, so this is 100% Roland MT-32 factory sounds, sequenced in Renoise and recorded straight to tape through a BBE Sonic Maximizer (for bass boost only) and a Behringer MDX-2100 compressor.

Maximum use of slap bass.

WB19 09 Theme For an Imaginary Shmup TAPE MASTER CDDA.mp34.8mb
WB19 09 Theme For an Imaginary Shmup TAPE MASTER CDDA.wav21mb

Pretty short on time this week, so I had to go for the obvious fall-back: a sort of directionless, minimal acid improv. Tanzmaus, x0xb0x and a little SP-303, with a couple of echo pedals. Recorded on a Portastudio and mixed to 1/4" tape.

Takes a couple minutes to get going.

WB19 07 CDDA.mp320.9mb
WB19 07 CDDA.wav92mb

All sounds made from a hydrophone recording of Weddell seal calls under the ice in Antarctica in 1979:


WB19 06 The Devil's Fax Machine take 2 TAPE MASTER CDDA.mp313.0mb
WB19 06 The Devil's Fax Machine take 2 TAPE MASTER CDDA.wav57mb

Yamaha TG33 (original patches only) + a few big chains of pedals and rack effects of dubious reputation.

WB19 05 Sun Rises Over Procedural Trees TAPE MASTER.mp310.7mb
WB19 05 Sun Rises Over Procedural Trees CDDA TAPE MASTER.wav47mb

Submitting early since I have to work all weekend.

Minimal drone/glitch recorded live to stereo with no editing or processing.

EHX Freeze
Digitech MIDI Vocalist
Akai MFC-42
DOD R-825 compressor/de-esser
Ibanez AD-202
Behringer Virtualizer Pro
Cross-feedback between two mixers

WB19 03 FRB (second take).mp318.4mb
WB19 03 FRB (second take) CDDA.wav81mb

Full blown space rock, with apologies to Dave Brock for biting his guitar riffs.

My ears were pretty shot by the time I mixed this, listening back to it now I think the bass and kick are too deep to translate well and compete with each other too much, but over all I'm OK with it. Not like I can hear anything down there on my monitors anyhow.

Mostly overdubbed in Reaper in single long takes, with a little bit of step sequencing in obvious parts. I'm also not a drummer even when I'm not dealing with interface latency so I had to tighten up the timing of the drums (which are a sort of haphazardly cobbled together early 90s electronic drum kit made from some free triggers a friend traded to me, a kick pedal someone left in my parents' basement when I was in high school, and the cheapest old Yamaha drum brain I could find on eBay) but I tried to keep them as loose as I could get away with, mostly just moving everything back a few ticks to keep it on the grid, and fixing a few late snare hits; the kick was programmed separately on a DR-110 and doubled as a click track.

WB19 02 Plasma Engine TAPE MASTER.mp312.4mb
WB19 02 Plasma Engine TAPE MASTER CDDA.wav54mb
1 download

Resubmitting so I won't be a week out of sync all year, because I missed the first deadline by a couple hours and didn't notice.

WB19 01 20190106 Interstellar Broccoli Overdrive TAPE MASTER.mp330.5mb
WB19 01 20190106 Interstellar Broccoli Overdrive TAPE MASTER CDDA.wav134mb

Weekly Music 2019

Write, record, and upload a new piece of music every week.

weekly from 2018-12-31 to 2019-12-31