Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
Audiencia: para aquellas personas que quieren desafiar al sentido común, para aquellas personas que les gustan explorar y enfrentar nuevos retos, la edad recomendada es de 12 años en adelante.
Plataforma: Pc
Género: Thriller, aventura
En las colinas desiertas de Dinamarca se encontraba una dulce princesa encerrada en un sótano.
Un día la princesa se peinaba con su peine especial de cristal decidió escapar de aquel lugar y explorar lo que se le era prohibido desde niña, la princesa logró abrir la cerradura rompiendo su preciado peine (único recuerdo de su madre) y formando una llave de él.
La princesa se sorprendió al saber y darse cuenta que el castillo donde se encontraba estaba totalmente vacío, era sólo ella, un silencio espeluznante y un frío que la abrigaba erizandole la piel.
La princesa decide seguir a explorar ese misterioso lugar, la princesa encuentra la puerta hacia la salida, apenas la abrió una neblina densa la consume, a la corta distancia ve que hay un carruaje y decide ir hacia el.
Una vez que el jugador sale del cuarto de la princesa se encuentra con varios pasadizos,
el jugador tendrá que escoger uno de ellos, el juego está en primera persona, lo cual lo hace sentir más personal.
Una vez que el jugador decida cuál camino tomar tendrá que derrotar a monstruos que estarán en esa nueva sala que descubrirá.
El objetivo del juego es hacer salir la princesa del castillo, conforme el jugador avanza la dificultad del juego se va elevando.
El juego hace el uso de sonidos envolventes para que el jugador puede saber donde los monstruos estarán, ya que muchas salas del juego estarán muy oscuras.
El juego estará en 3D, el jugador sabrá que necesita recuperar su salud por como la ropa de la princesa está, entre mas remoto menos vida tendrá el jugador.
Audience: players who like challenges and survival
Platform: PC,
Price: ??
Its 10th of January, around 10 pm a light and pleasingly warm wind passes by the window, usually by this time the weather is cold, but not this time, i look outside the window to notice how the sky has turned in to an orange hue.
I had no idea the reason of why the sky was this colour.
The TV turn itself on, on max volume, a warning sign all over the screen, at first i thought my son could be making a bad taste prank, so i ran upstairs angry and ready to scream, when i opened the door my 16 years old son was at sleep, i woke him up immediately that i realised this wasn't a joke.
I said to him - “Get your things ready, we leave in 10 ” .
In that instance our neighbour ran in to our house and told us to not go outside, and to lock all the windows and doors, in fact he told us to put some of the Hurricane wood protectors to the windows.
In that instance i didn't quite understood the real nightmare that we were about to face.
11 PM, we didn't leave the house that night our neighbour also stayed with us.
1:30 AM, The TV signal went off also the house internet. I only had my Phone signal.
In that moment i started to panic. Meanwhile outside very weird sounds where coming, the sounds that we were hearing were like the ones that a Wolf or dog does when they are fighting for food.
In that instance out neighbour, Carl told us - “ SILENCE !”, we immediately shut, Carl told us that they are looking to get inside the house, we didn't knew how they were.
This game is the demo of a grater project that will be announced later. in this demo you will have to survive the night as our protagonist, an average guy age 34 with the duty of protecting his son from this horrible creatures, that will hunt you down.
The main story of the game is to find and kill any of this monsters that have gotten inside the house.
Carl, for some reason he knows how to kill this creature, Wood, a special wood that has been treated with a specific ritual, Carl brought some of this wood stick over the house, this doesn't mean the weapons like guns won't work but this monsters can regenerate at an incredible speed.
The monsters only move at night, due to the UV rays from the sun. The monsters are also weak to this lights.
You will survive the night and save your son from one of this monsters that somehow managed to get inside the house.
third person based game, No time in the game, is an open world like game, you have the option to collect weapons or just use the stick.
Music in the game is simple and realistic, no background music. only wind and the conversations that you will have thru the game.
Plataforma: Mobile
Audiencia: Para personas mayores de 19 años. Especialmente enfocado en las personas que les guste el tema de horror.
Precio; Gratis
Este juego es un poco diferente a los demás juegos, ya que este juego es solamente basado en sonidos, Tu debes jugar el juego con audífonos para poder disfrutar al máximo del juego.
Tu misión, simple tienes que encontrar mediante tus capacidades auditivas de donde proviene el ruido pedido al principio del nivel.
El juego tiene mecánicas muy simples, tu telefono tendra la pantalla apagada. Solo se usarán los sonidos para poder jugar el juego, en cada nivel se le pedirá al jugador de encontrar un sonido en particular en el medio de muchos sonidos, como por ejemplo al jugador se le podrá pedir de encontrar el sonido de un columpio en medio de una tormenta.
Cómo hará el jugador para encontrar el columpio ? simple, con el sonido el objetivo del juego es hacer más sensible el oído del jugador mediante ejercicios que se harán más difíciles cada vez que el jugador pase al siguiente nivel.
Los sonidos que habrán en el juego serán espeluznantes, es decir causan miedo,
por ejemplo podemos estar escuchando un piano tocar en el medio del salón, el juego contará con sonido 3D.
El jugador al final de la música tendrá que escoger de qué dirección venía el sonido, Delante, Atrás, Izquierda, Derecha.
Strategy, Adventure
Ages 12 and up, ment for the strategy game lovers.
price: ??
This game is meant to challenge even the most caple people, this strategy game is like no other, Simple, Straight to the point and almost impossible to “run true”
The game has been developed with excellent mathematicians, which gives this game the perfect feel and challenge, thanks to the help of this people the game has an algorithm that changes the objective every time the player decides to start a new level.
This algorithm will adapt to the player, in the sense that the more capable the player is the more difficult the challenge it will face.
The objective of the game is to beat the system by wining to the computer* in this case the phone, the player will arrive to the final level and it will need to face the computer to be able to finish the game.
The player will be thought how to play the game, in the tutorials of each map, the game will have different areas that will require the player to know before continue.
The game is a Turn based game, the player needs to find the leak of information in “Confidential files” that the player will need to read and figure out where is the leak of information, which is going to ge in code, for instance in the paper there might be a word down wards that says “C H I C K E N ” and the player will need to underline this word.
Once the player knows what it the word hidden and underlined the player has won the level.
there's no time limit.
Audience; All Public, for people how like challenges
Platform: Mobile
Price: Free
Simple 2.5 isometric layout game about the exploration of a recently discovered ruin at the north pool.
You will have to face multiple puzzles to escape this ruin, there are limit of time for every puzzle that you have to face, you will have the option to start the game in easy and then change it to Hard or master difficulties.
The puzzles will become more and more complex the closer you are to exit the ruin.
To finish a level you will have to drive a ball to the finish area, the game will be similar to a maze, this means that you will start from one point and then finish in other.
There is no checkpoint in this game, this means that if you fail the level at the end of the maze you will have to start from the beginning.
The UI for the game is simple you have 2 menus, one is the main menu which will give the user the : Option, continue, quit, buttons.
after pressing continue you will see : Main, free, arcade. this modes have different settings, for instance the arcade mode has the option to change colour the screen also to black out completely without warning.
The free mode is to practice the puzzles. The game will be controlled by the touch screen.
Also the music of the game will change in every puzzle, in the sense it will speed up or it will slow down, this will make the player know the difficulty of the level.
Audiencia: Todo Público
Plataforma: Mobile & Pc
Género: 2D, Fight
El nombre lo dice, tienes que recolectar confites en halloween, ya que estamos a pocos días de ello.
Tu misión es simple, la cual será recolectar el mayor número de confites durante esta noche tan especial.
Halloween, el que recoge mayor número de confites durante ciertas horas del día será recompensado con skins exclusivas de tal competencia.
El juego está basado mayormente en un juego multijugador, el cual puede consistir de tus amigos o de otros jugadores que estén alrededor del mundo.
Lo que te dan los skins de recompensa es; Puedes recoger confites a una mayor velocidad que lo normal y además, tienes un bolso / cartucho más grande que te permitirá recoger más confites antes de tener que volver a tu base.
Gameplay: Tienes un bolso que te permite almacenar cierto número de confites antes de que tener que volver a la base principal y vaciar el bolso.
La base no tiene límite de confites, entre más mejor !
En la pantalla del celular tienes dos opciones, buscar o correr. puedes moverte libremente entre el barrio, puedes visitar las casas que quieras las veces que quieras, pero ten cuidado con los mapaches !, ellos te robaran tus confites.
Cada casa que tienes la opción de correr, la cual te hace brincar aquella casa en la cual no tienes tanta confianza para pedir mas confites.
El juego está pensado ser jugado en el celular, ya que este juego está mayormente enfocado en “Matar el tiempo”
El Juego es totalmente gratis.
Gender: Adventure, Third person
Audience; Mature, for people how like to hunt and love challenges
Platform: pc
Price: ???
In the Future, year 2200, A company called Noctis Ltd. Managed to manipulate dreams to will, at the start people didn't believe them, they said everything was a fraud, until the celebrities started to use this technology.
It was in the late year 2202 where things were starting to get more difficult for Noctis.
People started to complain about weird dreams that they weren't able to change at will.
This complaines started to get more and more common for Noctis, until something catches the attention. Some customers started to feel pain and thus where translated to the real world.
After this, Noctis decided to Stop with their technology and cancel the newest products that were in development. And started to investigate about this problems.
Something changed a day when a man condemned to death for a crime that didn't commit, his last wish was to use Noctis helmet for the last time, to dream about his wife and children right before the tragedy happened, the car lost control due to the speed.
In this man's dream the dream was about how he was able to prevent this accident to happen, suddenly after his session finished, he woke up in a completely different room.
It was his own house, with his wife next to him and his childrens.
The story of this man was recorded on Noctis server as a malfunction.
After two weeks the man Disappears without leaving anything.
Years passed *2208 and Noctis malfunction has turned in a global issue, reports of monsters hunting for people that changed their future where common, the the government decided to shut down Noctis.
You are an agent from the special Elite Forces that were trained to fight this monsters.
A hunter, that's what you are, due to the nature of this job your weapon an Relique from the Templars that is the only current weapon known that can defeat this monsters.
On the government record it says that for every person that changed their future 2 of this “Monsters” are created, the reason of this is yet unknown, but youre mission is clear, Kill them, no matter what it takes.
The Monsters are called “Time Holders” the have a dark aura, fearless, they don't have emotions, and have only one mission; Take back what belongs to them.
You are able to enter others person's Mind and dreams, which means you will need to fight unimaginable monsters, and never explored lands.
You of course will have a team, this team will guide you thru the journey.
It's written on the confidential files that there are still 13 Time Holders to be captured.
Also is thinked that the last Time Holder is the one that controls all the others.
It has never been seen, but the known location of it is; Old Noctis central building.
The Game Will be based in third person, it will be based mostly in the dream lands, but yet you will have to travel to the locations that the affected persons are.
You will get inside the person's dream, all the missions will be held on different areas, Yet they are all connected on the same map, to finish an area you will have to defeat the Time Holder that is ruling this area, in the way to the Holder you will need to fight other monsters, such as the person's nightmare.
Example: Zombies, Spiders etc….
There will be waves of this creatures, at least 3, the more difficulty is selected the more Mobs and more waves will be added.
Audiencia: para aquellas personas que quieren desafíos, la edad recomendada es de 12 años en adelante.
Plataforma: Mobile
Género: supervivencia
Granjas, para muchas persona son lugares de poco importancia que solo entregan un producto.
Por ejemplo leche, queso, carne.
Muchos no saben las dificultades que estas personas tienen que lidiar.
Ladrones, plagas, enfermedades, clima…
En este juego eres el dueño de una pequeña granja. que recién empieza en este labor.
Tendrás muchos desafíos y aventuras.
El juego consiste en evitar que las grandes empresas compren tus tierras para después demolerlas e hacer un centro comercial.
Tendrás que lidiar con los desastres naturales, como inundaciones, sequías etc..
El juego estará en perspectiva, isométrica.
Eso quiere decir que verás todo desde el “cielo”
En el juego tendras la opcion de construir diferentes tipos de establos que hayan diferentes funciones en la granja como por ejemplo el gallinero, que producirá huevos, que tú como granjero tendrás la opción de tomar esta industria como la principal para mantener la granja en pie, o por el otro lado también puedes escoger la opción de construir un establo para criar caballos y venderlos.
Tu objetivo cada mes del juego será llenar una barra de dinero que tienes en la esquina de la pantalla, para evitar que las grandes compañías compren tu granja.
Cada vez que crías un caballo, tienes que jugar un mini juego, el cual cambia aleatoriamente de los 10 que hay en total.
Más puntos haces en los minijuegos más valor tendrá el caballo al final del mes.
Tu objetivo final es el de sobrevivir por un año a las grandes empresas.
La música es calma, sin ningún aspecto en particular.
Gender: Adventure, Third person
Audience; Mature, made for the people that really loves playing games late at night on a halloween.
Platform: pc
Price: ???
On a late night, in Halloween, in a far city, two guys looking for candies get surprised.
In the middle of the night, this two adventurous guys start to explore the darkest parts of the neighbour when suddenly a dark shadow, from the back, a hit. left the bois unconscious.
The next thing they knew, they were in trouble, roped from the back with their heads covered. in the middle of something that seems to be an summung circle.
A cult,that's what the boys where, in the moment they had realised that there was no way out of this, they said to each other; - IM SORRY
The only way out was to almost accept death.
Lucky the older boy had in his phone an emergency button to call his father.
His father, a former FBI agent receives his sons call and immediately heads out to rescue them.
Game play: You are the FBI agent, your mission, simple, to rescue your son and his friend.
this game is in third person and is an semi open world. this means that you have choices, to rescue not only your son, but also other persons that have been kidnaped by this cult.
You also have the option to use your Dog, yes you have the option to use your dog to complete the missions.
At the start of the game you have the option of choosing your dog, in the sense of the race, each race has differents skills, for instance a Beagle has the best smell of all the races available, this comes handy to locate the kies to open certain doors whiout researching them around.
The Game has a simple layout, no health bar, you can receive two shots then you die, and restart at a checkpoint.
the levels will get more difficult by time spend on the game, also the game will adapt to the players skills, the faster the plñayer kills and passes a level the more NPC will have the next level.
Music will get louder the more NPC are nearby.
Gender: Adventure, Third person
Audience; Mature
Platform: PC
Price: ???
In a far city in Denmark around the years 2080 there was an experiment carried out.
A new pill to fight depression and stress. This pill was very successful at the beginning of the experiment, a great number of the people that was involved volunteer that had a very develop sense of commiting suicide were saved.
Doctors from all around the globe where involved with this experiment, some of them very skeptical due to the unknown resources used to produce this pill.
Due to the very little time of this experiment been carried out , the scientist didn't knew if this “Magic” pill would have any other secondary effects.
The Government wasn't giving tons of explanations in why the experiment nor the final real purpose of IT.
Years passed by, and the town is forgotten…
Gameplay: You are the Doctor Franklin Lee, a very well known Scientist that has developed vaccines that have changed the world forever.
Franklin was assigned a mission by the government of the USA to investigate what has happened to this city,
“Is the year 2084, Dr.Franklin made it to the forgotten city, as soon as he reaches the city all electronics stopped working, looks like a working EMP1 was in the city.
Everything uses oil to work, lamps, even horses are used as a vay of transport.
People in the city are quiet, they dont look human at all.
As soon as the night hits, everything changes, They become aggressive, and start to kill each other. they even eat each other.”
You as Dr,Franklin you have to discover what's going on with this people and where this pill comes from.
Your ultimate goal is to get the formula to the USA. but to get the formula you will have to find ways in the research labs in the city that are all surrounded with this creatures that if they notice that you are not one of them they will take your life, and for this you will have to act like one of them, smile and be silent, walk like they would.
As well you will need to hide as soon as the night hits, or you will have the option to fight this creatures with science, create bombs and weapons from scratch by collecting ingredients all over the map.
Electromagnetic Pulse; An electromagnetic pulse (EMP), also sometimes called a transient electromagnetic disturbance, is a short burst of electromagnetic energy.
Audiencia: para aquellas personas que quieren desafíos, la edad recomendada es de 14 años en adelante.
Plataforma: Mobile
Género: Lucha, supervivencia
En un pequeño reino en las montañas de Gigantes, existe un trino que hace un tiempo fue muy pacífico y alegre.
Hasta que el nuevo rey llegará, en esta ciudad muchas cosas se definen con derrotar al oponente mediante combates, los combates la mayoría de ellos no son a muerte, pero hay casos que estos pueden llegar a serlo.
Por ejemplo, quieres negociar una tienda en el centro de laciudad, para ello tienes que luchar con el dueño del local.
Queda Claro que se debe tener el consentimiento del dueño para poder hacer oficial la batalla.
El nuevo rey es muy egoísta, y no quiere ceder el trono, la tradición dice que cada año, todos los habitantes de la ciudad tienen derecho de retar al rey para poder obtener el trono del mismo.
Pero el rey que hasta ahora estaba no deja participar a los ciudadanos, aquellos que lleguen hasta el trono del nuevo rey, son encarcelados sin ningún motivo.
Gameplay: Tú tienes que controlar a unos pequeños luchadores, cada uno de ellos es especial y puedes subir de nivel para desbloquear nuevos ataques y trajes de luchador.
Tu objetivo será el de derrotar al rey Luchador para que dejen libres a los presos del reino.
Tú tendrás que abrirte paso por todo el castillo para poder liberar a tu hermano.
El cual nunca cometio ningun tipo de acto criminal.
Para poder liberar a la ciudad de este malvado rey.
El juego está en tercera persona y el UI tiene estilo de un juego de cartas, tienes la opción de atacar o defender por turnos mientras que el oponente hace lo mismo.
Tienes una barra de vida arriba de la pantalla acompañado del nivel en el que te encuentras.
Gender: Adventure, Third person
Audience; Mature
Platform: Mobile
Price: ???
You are what you want to become, in this era, there's no ice on the north pole, a Bear that had to run away.
From its previous land called home, this polar bears has been running for days and days, looking for a new place to call home, he has no family and his only objective is to find a new place called home, the way there is not easy, he will encounter many, many obstacles in the way, It will require you to cross mountains, rivers and more.
What are the real enemies ?, Humans, humans have made the Bear hunting legal now that there are no ice in the north pole, the government has decided to make legal the polar bear hunting.
Every human is looking for the polar bears.
But there's a special place in the USA, alaska that still safe for the polar bears.
You are a polar bear trying to get to the safe zone in alaska USA, the game is in third person and you will need to find ways to get to the safe zone, you will have the choice of killing the humans that get in your way to the safe zone.
But you will also have the option to not kill any of the humans that get in your way, if you finish the game without killing you will be rewarded with an unique skiing for your bear and a special achievement,
In this game there's no health bar, you will become weaker eventually if you don't eat anything in a certain time.
Also if you get hit by any mob, your hair will get bloody.
The game has differents maps, to show variety.
Audiencia: para aquellas personas que quieren desafíos, para aquellas personas que les gustan explorar y enfrentar nuevos retos, la edad recomendada es de 18 años en adelante.
Plataforma: Pc
Género: Horror, supervivencia
En un lejano pueblo, donde solo hay unos 100 habitantes, ocurrió un gran desastre.
Una plaga, se extendió en cuestión de horas, insectos, por todos lados.
Los habitantes no saben qué hacer contra esta plaga.
Ya está por todos lados.
Los habitantes piden ayuda desesperadamente, sin recibir respuesta, ya que la emergencia que dicen que tienen las autoridades no creen que es prioridad.
Por eso las familias de este pequeño pueblo deciden tomar medidas por sus propias manos.
No son insectos cualquier son muchos grandes de lo común e mucho más inteligentes, se dice que ellos tienen su propia forma de comunicación.
Algunos insectos llegan a medir más de 2 metros de altura, en especial las cucarachas, ellas son las que comandan todo el ejército.
Tu misión será derrotar al comandante de este ejército de insectos, eres una madre muy enojada por que los insectos te han devorado todas tus flores.
El juego se juega en primera persona y tienes que ir matando insectos para poder proseguir en la historia.
Los niveles se hacen más difíciles conforme avanzas, por ejemplo en el nivel 22, habran nuevos tipos de insectos, que requieren una forma especial de ser aniquilados, tienes que dispararles en la espalda donde ellos tienen un cristal azul., esa es la única forma de acabar con ellas.
El juego cuenta con alrededor de 60 niveles que estarán divididos por zonas del mapa, El parque, tu casa, la casa del vecino etc…
El, juego tendrá una dificultad adicional cuando acabes el juego por primera vez, esta dificultad es extrema y si te golpean una vez tendrás que repetir todo el nivel de nuevo.
Gender: Macabre, gothic,Adventure. 3 person
Audience; Mature, only for those seeking challenges on the Sea
Platform: PC
Price: ???
In a remote island, there's an ancient place that the locals consider cursed, and say that the ones that went there have never returned.
The island history narrates that on it there are unthincable gold chest full with relics from other worlds.
And those how make it back to the civilization with only One relic will be considered KINGS.
The island is covered by a dense fog, which also covers part of the sea that surrounds the island, and therefore almost impossible to access do the rocks.
Some people say that that island has the worst nightmares come true, the only way that can be acces it to have your mind clean of thoughts all the time, if they start to think that thought will become true.
The way to the island itself is an adventure, it requires special gear that need to be gather from all around the world, from unic wood statues for your ship to something so simple as nails for the ship.
the captain, Jeff it the one in charged to make this adventure possible, but there's a catch you need to gather the members of the ship by completing quests.
Gameplay :
Third person adventure game, you will be the captain Jeff that will be the responsible to guide your troupe to this inhabit island.
The main game will be in Open sea. this means, most of the time you will be in the ship.
You will be able to upgrade the ship after completing quests and gaining money from them.
there are safe zones all over the map where the player can rest and recover there troup to get to the island.
When the player reaches a certain area the game will request them a special item on the ship to continue.
As mentioned previously this can be a statue made of wood.
Once the player gets all these parts the island location will appear on the map and they can access this island, in where they need to fight monster by land, that by that time in the game the player should have good weapons and be prepared to fight this monsters that are protecting the island.
Gender: Macabre, gothic, puzzle solving. third person
Audience; Mature, only for those seeking challenges in a dark environment
Platform: PC
Price: ???
“There it was, another day walking with no place to go, no place to call home, just another rainy day in the middle of the city ,full with humans and their souls yet abundant in loneliness, Everyone always minding their own business, ignoring the real life problems pretending everything is fine, even if the world keeps falling to their feet.”
My true dad actually died in an accident and so my mom married this other guy and decided to have another kid with her which then died due sickness, My mom never truly loved me or gave me mother love.
I am the firstborn, the one who has the right to the inheritance.
She of course didn't liked that idea, and neither did my step father.
They kept me inside the mansion for several years so i avoid any human contact so that no one found out who the real next owner was, and so my mom and step father could keep all the benefits.
I was basically killed by my fake family i once loved.
Thursday 06 september 1999 a thief came inside the house, he murder my mom with a clear shoot and my dad with several stabs in the lower rib, i couldn't do anything but smile.
The thief then just tie me up and i got blame of murder, however after 3 years i finally was able to get out of the prison with the help of my deceased father and his inheritance.
Its 2018, you are an old soul that couldn't have mercy and got in a place between heaven or hell because you don't realize you are dead.
And are doing things considered inhuman, in other to change this you need to gain experience using to methods that can lead you to your goal; hell or heaven.
It's your option to accept and reverse or to accept and develop furthermore to find out a stubborn secret.
Help the soul to find its path following different goals that will lead you to your chosen route.
third person gameplay, you are in the city, alway at doom time, meaning that is always night, you will have the liberty to progress through the story by choosing the missions that you want. Good or Evil.
There's a bar on the top of the screen that will tell you how far are you to pick one tth the 2 paths available.
The game is a puzzle based game, which means all the quests are about solving puzzles, to reach an object.
Solving mysteries, you will be able to interact with the living true the use of objects. like moving a paper.
Audiencia: para aquellas personas que quieren desafiar al sentido común, para aquellos aventureros que todos tenemos por dentro.
Plataforma: Pc
Género: Aventura, Horror
Un hámster cuyos padrones habían dejado abandonado en sus pocos días de existencia, fue adoptado por una familia de ratas, compuesta del abuelo Edward, La señora Magdalena y El señor Christopher.
En aquella época la colonia estaba compuesta por miles de ratones, pero desaparecieron uno por uno por una fuerza misteriosa.
Jorgito fue criado como un guerrero por su maestro Edward, El cual sabía el arte marciale de bō* gracias a sus ancestros, entrenaban todos los días, hora tras hora, hasta que un día el mismo maestro desapareció misteriosamente, pero Jorgito ese día había sido testigo de su muerte.
El maestro fue a combatir a aquella fuerza misteriosa que destrozó a la población y a buscar el queso de la paz.
Se narraba en la antigüedad que tal queso haría que todos los ratones que habían sufrido descansaría en paz.
Jorgito desde un pequeño hoyo esa noche, vio lo inimaginable, un monstruo feroz que le arrancaba la cabeza a su querido maestro, aquel que amaba con toda su alma y decidió ir buscar venganza y conseguir el queso sagrado.
Desea hacer honor a su amado maestro, Jorgito el primero
Rafael la mosca están listos para la lucha...
Gameplay: Tú eres Jorgito el pequeño hámster con grandes deseos, decidirás qué ruta tomar, puedes quedarte con Rafael quien será tu fiel compañero para siempre o ir a luchar solo con las manos atadas al destino…
Jorgito usará el bō para avanzar en la historia es un arma, pero también es un instrumento.
El juego es totalmente en 3D, con soporte futuro a VR, tendrás que elegir, cada elección tiene un precio, por ejemplo, Rafael; Es una mosca que al principio del juego tendrás la decisión, de ayudarla o eliminarla. en el caso de que escojas ayudarle ella será tu mensajera durante todo el juego, pero si decides no ayudarle se desbloqueara otro final alterno al de la historia principal.
Habrán objetivos, checkpoints y diferentes misiones, todo en prospectiva de un hamster.
El mapa es una casa de 2 plantas.
Será tipo open-world, donde el jugador decidirá qué misión hacer primero.
bō:(«bastón») es un arma en forma de vara alargada o pértiga, generalmente hecha de madera (roble, bambú, etc). Han existido de una forma u otra en varias culturas, sean: egipcia, india, china, japonesa u okinawense.
Audience; All Public.
Target Audience: Everyone that wants to spend time while traveling in metro/bus.
Platform: Mobile
Price: Free
You are a Farmer, to be specific a Lemon Farmer, and your job is to harvest as many lemons as possible.
What you have to do to complete such task ?,
Simple. Catch the Lemons!,
Yup, that's right, catch them with a basket, in this farm you need to catch the lemons that fall from the tree, the more you catch the more you sell.
In this game the main objective is to get at the top of the leaderboard, this game can be played online.
With the lemons that are sold on the in game market you can personalise your farmers outfit, such as cloth, and Basket.
The mechanics of this game are very simple they are all in 2d the game will be played vertically.
We have a background; the farm with a lemon tree, the farmer with the basket on the front of the phone screen.
The lemons will be falling from the sky with a random algorithm that will spawn more lemons every X time, also they will start to fall quicker every time.
The player will move the farmer where the lemons are falling by dragging the farmer using the fingers.
There's no time limit.
“ Piedra Papel o Tijera”
Audiencia: Todo Público
Plataforma: Mobile & Pc
Género: 2D, Fight
El juego consiste en jugar piedra papel y tijera, y "ganar La Gran Liga".
Es en sí es como el clásico juego que todos conocemos, pero tiene una ligera modificación; los power-up, los power-up son pequeñas modificaciones en la defensa y daño del "arma/mano".
Cuyo resultado final es en hacer más difícil/ fácil derrotar a un oponente.
Cada jugador tiene una barra de Hp, Para derrotar a un oponente tenemos que llevar la barra del oponente hasta 0. Queda claro que el oponente del jugador, (NPC) puede escoger solo una mano, quiere decir que si se escoge piedra, el NPC solo podrá utilizar dicha mano durante el duelo.
El jugador puede escoger en el turno solo una acción; Atacar, Bloquear, el jugador que tenga el mayor número en defensa o ataque ganará el turno, al perdedor se le restará la suma de los dos ataques a la barra de HP.
Una vez finalizado un duelo al ganador se le otorgan monedas que pueden ser cambiadas en la tienda de manera totalmente gratuita. Las monedas se cambian por “Tickets”(1) cada ticket consiste en mejoras de las manos, un ejemplo sería un guante, el cual le otorgaría más defensa.
La interfaz del juego en celulares sé muy simple, consiste en 3 opciones, Jugar, Tienda, Opciones.
En el menú de jugar hay otras 3 opciones, Marathon, Historia y Práctica.
Los Personajes serían hechos en Illustrator. con 3 fases de animación; Stand-by, Ataque, Bloqueo.
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Narrativa: Interesante y cumple su objetivo. Se entiende el trasfondo y el objetivo del juego. ¿Aunque asumo que ya que el juego toma lugar en el castillo, lo de la carreta sucede al final de juego?
Audiencia/Descripción del Juego: Me hubiera gustado ver detalle sobre el combate, ya que no se explica cómo la princesa derrota a los monstruos. Encontré muy bueno el uso del sonido como indicador de dificultad. Asumo que el remoto al final del ensayo era roto, en cuyo caso quizá el juego no sea de 12 en adelante...
Ortografía: Pocas quejas. No olvides comenzar toda oración con mayúscula.