After a long hiatus, I decided to drop by and upload this little ambient jam, inspired by some exercises using the classic Ensoniq SQ-80 waves.

I'm rediscovering the whole world of 90's ROMplers and wave table synths :)

Anyway, life gets in the middle, so I hope you enjoy this humble evolving piece

UserAgent7 years ago

There is no song!

More submissions by Laguna for Weekly Music 2017

This is my first complete LSDJ track in years, and this has been composed jumping between the real thing and emulation, using Retropie Linux. Once I finally got my head around the .sav methods of loading and saving tracks, I could start on any device and finish it in an actual Gameboy, or viceversa. That is a great advance, for me at least.

3 channel Gameboy sound rendered under emulation for minor background hiss. Ableton Live for recording and slight reverb, although I'd love to try Linux Ardour for such a simple project. I'd love to check if the sound emulation is completely accurate, but I run out of time and Ill be uploading almost half an hour past the deadline.

Would love to make this into a real game soundtrack, if anyone is interested.

For now, I hope you enjoy it and have a great week.

* NOTE: If you listened to this song and it was high and squeaky, then you listened to a worng version, uploaded at TWICE the samplerate. Please have a listen. You could expect a slow 6 megabytes ambient drone, full of low end. Thanks and sorry for the wrong upload.

I finally had a moment to restore my reel to reel recorder to a full operational condition, and then I thought the old tapes I received from the previous owner could be put to good use taping some synth loops.

Testing the unit, I accidentaly played one of those loops at half speed, and discovered the goods of actual analogic pitch shifting... you know, some artifacts, annoying high frequencies becoming more audible, and hiss :)

So, I believe what it makes it interesting is: you DON'T get exactly what you recorded, out of one of those tapes.

I dumped the track into my also recently discovered Ardour for Linux and give it some FX treatment. It was nice to finalize a track COMPLETELY under Linux.

I know it's a pretty basic piece, but I had a great time setting up everything.

Hope to have more time to listen to your submissions. Have a great week, guys :)

This week I finished another old project, from my early days as an Ableton user. I've struggled for a long time to finish this one, but suddenly I opened the project and it clicked.

It's a really simple and shamefull/shameless ;) exercise of pure 90's style sampling. And for you interested: It's the awesome Teena Marie performing 1980's "I need your lovin'"... Please do yourself a favour and listen to the original version.

So my humble contribution is basically a guy tweaking filters and trying to steal some funk. Total respect and devotion to the masters who gave us 70's disco and rhythm and blues.

I hope you enjoy it. Have a great week, everybody!

I'm posting this one a couple of hours past the deadline, and very sleepy!

I'm proud of this one because I've "cleaned" another forgotten project from the unfinished folder. This time, I browsed back to my Reason days, circa 2006. The project was already converted to Ableton but, other than dumping everything to audio, all was basically the same.

I added those latin rhythms as a late element, maybe trying to give the whole beat a different edge. After all, it's a very slow hipnotic beat with few variations so something has to break the dullness. The 303 bassline came courtesy of my faitful D16 Phoscyon plugin.

I think it sounds a little bit messy and I should add more space to the mix, but I'm happy with the overall result. It is nice to finally find some final form to an old idea.

This is my first complete piece of the year after coming straigh from Weekly Beats 2016. Since I stumbled with this site with a short notice, I took an unfinished project from 2015 and reworked it into some kind of glitchy intro of sorts.

Tools of the trade: Ableton Live 9.7 and Max for Live. Broken beats built using samples from the Teenage Engineering PO12 mini drum machine. Just four tracks and two sends, with lots of automation. Quite simple arrangement with some rhythmic tricks to disguise my really simple melodies.

I don't know if I'd manage to do another year worth of songs, but I'll do my best. So far, I'm impressed with the talent of the people around Streak Club.

Have a great week, wherever you are!

Weekly Music 2017

Make a musical composition every week

weekly from 2017-01-02 to 2018-01-01