Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
This sketch is less involved than last week's. I was really feeling this one until I had to lay down the bassline, then it started to feel like smashing my head against the wall. Very quick (5min) mix, this track deserves better and it has some good ideas but I don't have the time to fix it up right now.
sketch from a couple weeks ago that I've built out some. this one has arps, watch out!
whoo I haven't made footwork in a while, this was really fun..
the gory details behind this one: the pad sample was made from scratch in Kaivo using a sample from a clavichord composition record, during a facebook livestream; the vocal sample was one I've had loaded up on my Akai S20 for a bit; the drums are just 808s.
all told, probably took me about an hour's worth of effort
Had this sketch kicking around this week, wanted to finish it in time to submit. I spent about 2 hours fleshing it out and giving it an initial mix. No arps in this one, sorry.
surprise early submission, i'm moving this weekend so this is probably the last time i'll have to play with music toys this week. breakbeats will resume next week
here's what I've worked on this week. i've been assembling this track at a faster than normal rate for myself, so it looks like weekly beats motivation is working! 💪
the most notable part of this track is the key change from Am to Dm. i think it works? because they're closely related keys, and the D minor pentatonic arps help tie them together, but i'm not sure yet if it makes the track stand out in a good or bad way.
on my to do list for this weekend is to write down my progress since late 2016 in my producer's journal, and see what i can make of my output so far & what i still have to work on. please dont hesitate to give me suggestions for this track, if you have any.
by the way, this track is not mixed at all. i slapped a limiter on a couple bus channels and the master to keep things at a good volume. it definitely is overloaded in the 1khz range, making the piano stab wash out during the more crowded sections. i have to filter some of the other elements out of the way to make space for that.
i hope WIPs are ok because i'm going to be posting them a lot this year. i started this last night and i'm extremely surprised i got this far in 1 day, i hope to eventually get this track to a point where i can release it, it will probably be 5-6 minutes long
PS: wow!!! there are a lot of people in this streak compared to last year's. i'm really excited to share music with you all, let's have a lot of fun this year~
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The bass may not have been the main attraction, but it did it's job. The most important thing is that it had both breakbeats and arpeggios. My only constructive note is that I would have had more arpeggios.