Submissions by wbn tagged dnb

This sketch is less involved than last week's. I was really feeling this one until I had to lay down the bassline, then it started to feel like smashing my head against the wall. Very quick (5min) mix, this track deserves better and it has some good ideas but I don't have the time to fix it up right now.


i hope WIPs are ok because i'm going to be posting them a lot this year. i started this last night and i'm extremely surprised i got this far in 1 day, i hope to eventually get this track to a point where i can release it, it will probably be 5-6 minutes long

PS: wow!!! there are a lot of people in this streak compared to last year's. i'm really excited to share music with you all, let's have a lot of fun this year~

calling WIP.mp33.9mb

Clip from a breakcore(?) song I'm working on, that's about 2/3 finished (not counting mixing/mastering)

sample from "Phase 'East and West'" by Karunesh
