It's done! I'm getting a liiiiittle faster! xD Aquamarine comes from "aqua marina"-- Latin for "sea water".

tarakeet7 years ago

@leafo thank you so much!! i had a lot of fun making it!!

leafo7 years ago

wow the updated version is amazing

tarakeet7 years ago

@Lambitymoon Thank you!! Hahaha that is a very valid concern!! xD I should have given her a sea turtle friend to protect her!

Lambitymoon7 years ago

THIS IS WONDERFUL! I worry for the poor kid being that close to jellyfish though lol

More submissions by tarakeet for Gemstones

Sorry for all the WIPs! It's my fault for taking on too many projects at once but I definitely plan on finishing them all! I did a few studies of a Sapphire Throne-Room

A phoenix aviary! Catching upp!!

I finally finished~! In virtually all of its etymological origins, it means "green gem", so I didn't have too much to go on. But it is seen as the stone for new beginnings, healing and growth. The Emerald Flower Cart sells emerald-infused plant-life and healing stones.

Ahh I had a hard time even getting the WIP done ^; I may scrap this but we'll see how I feel tomorrow!

Amethyst comes from Greek "amethustos" meaning "not drunken" because the stone was thought to have prevented drunkenness

so I drew a... wine.. house..? xD Anyway I like this one a lot better than the first in terms of getting more across with less. ECONOMY

Kinda esoteric, but I'm using the etymology of each gem to inspire a BG piece (I need the practice!). Garnet comes from the Latin word "granatum" for pomegranate so I made a fruitstand that sells ~magical garnet pomegranates~!


Daily gemstone-inspired art for two weeks

daily from 2017-01-08 to 2017-01-22