Es la primera vez que hago de pixel art. Últimamente estoy bastante enganchado a Gravity Falls y me pareció que podía ser un buen comienzo. Estoy seguro de que intentaré hacer el resto de personajes, y espero que el resultado me guste tanto como este.

This is my first time doing pixel art. I've been watching Gravity Falls lately, and I thought it would be a good start. I'm pretty sure i'll try to make the other characters, and I hope I like the result as much as I like this.

MrAricanary9 years ago

@AnimeCanuck thanks! It means a lot :)

@Democritus I hope the rest keeps being recognizable!

AnimeCanuck9 years ago

I'm not familiar with that show, however, these pixel people look really detailed!

Great job, especially for your first time! :D

Democritus9 years ago

I like it. Definitely recognizable :D

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