Submissions by TyroneMillls tagged antmanthegame

In this puzzle solver game you must use your ability to change both size of yourself and objects around you to make your way through the levels to find and save the other scientists that where trapped in the lab when everything went to hell. You are one of the scientists that was working on the size changing technology, one of the other labs in the company was working on dimensional shifting and had just started their first experiment when everything went wrong.

As the levels progress the player will gain greater ability to shrink think starting off with just the ability to shrink themselves they must use this to make their way through the first few levels where they will learn how to use the changes in size and weight to launch themselves to get to vents that are to high to reach when small and to small when big.

Time to solve puzzles will be infinite however in instances where the player ends up in a situation resulting in death they will be reset back at the beginning of the level.

Ant-Man Will Be Joined On Screen By This Beloved Marvel Hero image

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