Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
Started working on some animation for my Character. Very rough shape blobs to get motion down before I try to go in pixel by pixel.
Lots of iterations today. Here is the current state.
I also did some work on my tiled xml importer for unity. It now supports multiple layers from tiled so I can create things like spawn points and enemy locations, still needs some work on that end though.
Testing out converting my first ever 3D character that I made years ago to my first ever 16-bit character. Palette is currently incorrect as this is a draft. C&C completely welcome and wanted. Still adjusting to this pixel world from 3D.
Not feeling well the last couple days & I fell behind on daily art/dev posts, Catching up tomorrow. So I wanted to show off some work I did for Mutant Studios next game. 3 colors/character 32 colors max at once, palette swaps for players/level.
More learning in Pro Motion NG, loving it so far. Moving stuff over to tiled to replace my programmer black and white art. I made my own Tiled Importer so tomorrow I'm probably going to play with throwing this into unity. Still new to pixel art so any tips are super appreciated.
Working on creating a SNES era style platformer in Unity. Picked up Pro Motion NG during the steam sale to try it out, decided to start learning today and I wanted to get rid of my temp ladder tiles.
joined 2,555 days ago
Streak: 0, Longest: 3
joined 2,555 days ago
Streak: 0, Longest: 3