Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
Started 8 years ago (May 19th 2016, 9 am). Goes forever.
Do something, anything, related to the development of your game every day!
"Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together." - Vincent Van Gogh
"Inches make champions." - Vince Lombardi
Spent part of the day organizing tasks for the morning and visited my grandparents had a great time in family and even managed to show them the game!
only managed to do one task related to my game, however did manage to improve my notetaking, adopted iso format for daily note taking , modified all obsidian plugins to work with that and even started using timewarrior to track tasks as well and plan out some rust cli app to automate tracking things as a redundancy within timewarrior
fidxed a long existing bug with the sword tween in an unexpected way honestly lol
just removed a callback and commented out a line and i was surprised to see it be fixed
Added a selfie camera level requiring player to take a photo before advancing to the next level. Still need to implement photo saving functionality
Touched up some of the sprites I made to improve appearance. Also, fixed a bug related to the compass sprite not pointing in the correct direction.
Improved the transition between two specific levels to be smoother. Also, created basic main character sprite (Pluto) for the game. Sprite creation took me forever lol
Fixed a few bugs related to the buff management system for the game.
Implemented buff that slows down time. Added system for tracking and managing future buffs as well. There was a small bug that I will fix tomorrow.
Modified the shake it mode in the game to be based on speed rather than number of shakes in set amount of time. Also, created queuing system for transitioning rounds.
Worked on refactoring current game with new speed based concept. Refactored the following:
Plan Sprint 2 for Aurora Run game refactor
Worked on some design and sketching for pivot to new gauntlet type format
Set up basic 2D project and github repo for the game jam that starts tomorrow. Generated a basic day 1 plan for the initial game concept.
Finished the game :)
Finally polished up the canons and they work now. Having a lot of fun using them in my puzzles
Cozy Spring Jam Day 3
So I decided that the game needed a bit more of a chaotic side. The name of the game is Momentum Mayhem after all. So I've decided to bring in some canons. These items can take in any item you feed it and if the fuse is lit, (not done yet lmao) shoots them out with a very strong force.
Worked on creating and adding assets to my game. Created a simple bunny asset/animation, added background using tile sets which was new to me, added nest assets/functionality, and added flower assets/functionality to the game.
I fixed a bug on the lose condition I did yesterday
time spent: 35 minutes
Cozy Spring Game Jam started today. Created most basic of basic playable games with placeholder assets:
The player is now able to lose.
I'm sorry for these submissions being so lazy, I have very little time for this, but I try to do something every day =)
Time Spent: 35 minutes
Prepped for the Cozy Spring Game Jam this weekend. Did the following:
Also, decided on May 7th for an alpha release of the mobile game I have been working on the last few months. Learned that r/playmygame and r/destroymygame exist which will be great for testing and feedback.