Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
Hello! <3
and lost it because I'm busy!
Don't take your friends, family and everyone/anyone close to you for granted. They are worth your time and they need to know that you appreciate them.
Here's something a bit different than before I guess, I don't know is it really different :D.
While trying to fix this laptop (user had upgraded into windows 10 and it is not working at all anymore), I made this song.
We got our 6 songs ( done and I'm feeling quite a bit more free to make more music now.
Next up: More songs...
Palmer Pocket Distortion + My rusty... i mean trusty "Custom Build Telecaster"
Tried to use my voice for a song again. Just bunch of weird noises and then something else and whaaat?!
Actually I'm just too lazy to submit on time..
A mess. Quantized Orchestral Hit sounds... QY70's Drum sounds are kinda nice and dry. Maybe I could combine it's sounds with Volca Beats's sounds for a little bit more bass...
I shouldn't try to make Black Metal with Yamaha QY70. Oh right I just did that. Shit. Ok then...
weekly from
Best streak: 22, Completion: 42%
weekly from
Best streak: 8, Completion: 34%