Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
Something Quick Here Thanks
A mess. Quantized Orchestral Hit sounds... QY70's Drum sounds are kinda nice and dry. Maybe I could combine it's sounds with Volca Beats's sounds for a little bit more bass...
I shouldn't try to make Black Metal with Yamaha QY70. Oh right I just did that. Shit. Ok then...
Oh no!
I got my Yamaha QY70 (music workstation? Walkstation?)! So here is first thing I made with it after couple of hours of reading the manual and fumbling around in the a bit weird menus. After those couple of hours I had figured out how damn fun this thing is.
It eels very different from using your computer/guitar to compose (which was not a surprise). Everything you do feels like a "task". Not necessarily cumbersome, but you have to know which buttons to push. Most notably figuring out that you should always remember to push that Menu-button where those "Jobs" (copying phrases and such) are hidden in was very helpful.
I hope you like it even though it is a bit simple!
Bought Yamaha QY70 from Ebay and now I'm suffering the wait of about month or two until I get my hands on it. Dark times.
:) Bought me a Vox Pathfinder 10 and decided to use it for something and this is what came out! Also I've been really lazy at submitting these songs weekly and that makes me feel bad since I've made some kind of music at least once a week (mostly even more now) :D.
Guitars! Guitars everywhere! This time recorded with Rocksmith Real Tone Cable :P.
Composing music for a short film consumed my weekend and I forgot to submit this yesterday :(. Nooooooo....!
:) Hi again!
A desperate try to make something...
Uh oh!
Got new strings for my acoustic guitar so I had to use it on this. It felt so good to play it after such a long time (months)!
This one was fun to make!
Again. Too busy to do anything better, but... Next time I'll go back to using guitar.
Oh. My. God. That was so painful. I just filled everything with something. What a stupid poop this one is. Quite a doozie.
But I'm happy I got something done!
Look! No guitar!
Had to make something before I have to go visit my cousin for the rest of the week.
Guitars and bass played with my Harley Benton T-style (Telecaster) Kit guitar.
Tried to make a fast paced rockish song. Not sure what it really is and it has some structural problems, but it was fun to make :)!
It is LOUD so keep that in mind before you listen to it :)!
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