Submissions by Tarka tagged art

No coding today, which was honestly a nice break. I started designing a boss for the game, and I'm liking it thus far. I also did some art practice, trying to make a fairly large mockup sprite for said boss.

Did not expect to be able to bang this out so quick, but I managed to animate the enemy. Not fully polished, just good enough to get the job done. Glad to finally have this chunk of the game done (not yet dusted though :o).

Here's a screenshot of the gang, as it stands.
I realize the player and spider look a little out of place fully coloured and all. But that will be sorted in time.

First thing I did was go back and do some touching up on the player sprite; It looks a little better now. After that, I drew up a simple spider sprite and thought about how this spider will behave in-game. Came up with something I like, did some of the implementation, and that's pretty much it.

Tomorrow, I'm hoping to do the bulk of the implementation of the spider, and if there's any time, do some extra sprites and a little animation for it.

Not much coding or design today, just working on the art for my main character. I have made a sprite which I can stand for a while. It was quite nice to take a break from all the technical stuff for a bit.

Tomorrow, I'm gonna begin designing and, at least start, implementing the first arachnid style enemy.

Went ahead and did some enemy stuff, then checked up on code and did some improvements and such here and there. The total lines tally up to some 1000+, which may seem meager to some, but I don't think I have written so much in a single program.

I also spent much of day practicing art skills.