Submissions by LawlerW tagged non-combat

A game where you inhabit people at random and, from the moment you do, you start to fade away from the world, losing memories and your sense of self. You start as a different person each time, and will be able to look around the place they were in when you inhabited them, such as their living room, office cubicle, or apartment. Examining objects familiar to the person will increase your sense of self, slowing your decay, and starting in the living room would be a lot easier than starting in a bathroom or on a train. Once you have examined an object, its reminding value is gone, and you will have to find more objects that belong to the person to stay existing. You can also talk to people who know you, and each subject will help keep you longer, but if you fade away too much they will forget you existed and you will not be able to talk to them. Photographs and teddy bears and other vivid things like that will help you more than a pen or other normal objects, and you can use phones or computers to access files relating to you as well, as long as you're still existing enough to use them. Things that have bad memories attached to them, like a rusty kitchen knife or a certain news station or a friend's goodbye letter will bring you sharply back into the world, but will also increase the speed of your fading as your person's mind loses their will to continue. Eventually you will run out of things to keep you here and will fade away forever, returning to the empty white title screen where you can choose to start over with a different person if you want to try again. A reason to keep restarting, apart from drifting through the lives of different people each time, would be to see the world in the background piece by piece and try to understand why the disappearing is happening, although it will never be completely said why...


In this world, there are creatures that coexist among the cities of humans. Creatures invisible to the eye, but there nonetheless. You are a Shadowling, a harmless creature of shade that feeds off traces left behind by the human spirit. You can only exist inside shadows, but recently those shadows have been shifting. The castle city you live in is under siege - and as the buildings fall, your habitat disappears piece by piece.

But hope lies in the form of caves hewn into the mountains on the far side of the city - if you can just make it to them, you'll be safe - for now. But there are many dangers in your path. Humans clash in the streets, and their shadows provide the cover you need to dart from alley to alley. If you stand inside a friendly human's shadow, their strength will be bolstered - but should they fall, your source of cover will be gone and your essence will begin vanishing rapidly should you be exposed to light for any length of time. If a friendly human falls, you may still sometimes use the hostile's shadow to cross, but as the defenses of the city weaken the buildings will start to come down faster, shrinking your opportunities.

Other sources of cover may come and go, presenting themselves and giving you chances to make a break for the next shelter before yours collapses, but risks abound and every step may be your last.

This is not your fight. But what will you do when it begins?