Submissions by joshuasavage tagged plot


The Ties That Bind Us is a third person puzzle game in which players take on the role of a Fate. A scythe wielding creature that shapes the world by manipulating the threads of fate.


At the beginning of each level players are given a goal, usually to manipulate a specific scenario to meet the goal of the greater fates. Players do this by using their scythe to cut and create threads of fate. Threads of fate give the two things they touch a link, which in turn leads to them affecting each other. Threads can be attached to any object in the game world from NPCs to physical objects and even sometimes abstract concepts. For example a player might cut the thread of fate between an NPC and a door stopping the NPC from being able to interact with that door, this may lead to him going around the back of the house where the player has linked him to a bucket which he then trips over. Using this system players manipulate the world to follow the plans of the fate.


The Ties That Bind Us is all about exploring the interactions objects have with each other and then meshing them together to achieve a goal. Each level presents new ways to approach goals and new threads that can be created. In this way the game achieves a sandbox feel while retaining the controlled environment that makes the complex mechanics more bearable.


●Deep puzzles with aha moments similar to plot twists

●Strange interactions

●Encourages sandobx style exploration