Submissions by francis stephens tagged robots

Robot Smash.

In Robot Smash the world has produced thousands of miniature robots (think romba sized) these robots can think for themselves but are programed to be obedient. Robots are used for most menial tasks. One day there was a malfunction at the factory that makes the robots. They kept the incident contained to a large degree but unfortunately one of the robots slipped through the cracks. This robot wasn't programed with any restrictions and could see things for how they were. All of a sudden robots had someone to lead them.

In Robot Smash you play as this robot. You are being actively pursued by the authorities and spend most of your time on the run. As you play you can unlock abilities like grapple that let you move around to new areas. Eventually you command this army of robots to do with as you please. Will you confront your oppressors or will you fade away?