Submissions by Diego.Espino tagged puzzle

Genre: Point & Click Puzzle, Mystery, Fantasy, Multiple Endings, Visual Novel

Platform: PS4, Xbox1, PC, Switch, Mobile

Demographic: Teen 16+

Game Description: Set in the year 3021, you play as Angelica, a 15 year old girl that wakes up in a locked white room with nothing except for a table that has 3 books. Having no memory of anything or how she got there, she began to hear from a speaker in the corner of the room that she has 3 days to recover from the books, valuable details that will help some scientist create a cure to prevent the end of humanity. Explaining Angelica about the unknown disease that transform people into trees she is then forced to do this task, she opens the books only to find out that all the pages are white except for the first one. Then, she is explained that she has some unnatural powers that let her go enter the books, revive and interact with the story of how the author created a disease, a cure and the actions that led as to why he did it.
How the game is played: The game is a light novel that makes you choose options that will affect the outcome of the story, once an option is chosen you cannot go back this is for the player to experience different kinds of outcomes each time the game is played. The game also consist of puzzles that will be complete either you win or fail, this will also affect the ending of the story. Each book consist of different stories about the life of the author, Angelica will be different kinds of people interacting with the author and choosing different options that will led to the ending of each book. When Angelica chooses the wrong path, she will wake up and notice that the page is all with black ink forcing her to pass out and going to the next day to the second book and so on until she arrives to the final day.

Music of the game:

Credits for the image:

Género: JRPG, Rol, Puzzle, Strategy.

Plataforma: Móvil, Mi juego seria de móvil por el modo de como el videojuego combinara puzzles y JRPG que se beneficiarían de la pantalla táctil.

Demografía: Para mayores de 12 años y para Estados Unidos, Japón y Latino américa.

Descripción del Juego: El príncipe Ntiénko y la princesa Alíki fueron forzados a escapar a un mundo paralelo después que su reino, Estiatório, fue invadido por las bestias sagradas de su mundo. Acompaña a la princesa Alíki que tuvo la brillante idea de abrir un restaurante para conseguir dinero y beneficiarse para comprar el equipamiento para su hermano y reconquistar el mundo de las bestias sagradas. El juego se estará constantemente jugando como los 2 hermanos, La parte de Ntiénko será JRPG (al estilo de pokemon), tú tendrás la opción si domar a los monstros para que te ayuden a reconquistar tu mundo o decidirás matarlos para dárselo a Alíki para tener más recetas para su restaurante. La parte de Alíki se concentrara nen mejorar tu restaurante haciendo puzzles de comida, dependiendo de cómo hagas es puzzle, si es perfecto o malo, será la cantidad de dinero que obtendrás y también beneficiara a Ntiénko con mejoras de atributos para su parte del juego.

Link de la música:
• Parte de Ntiénko:
• Parte de Alíki:

Gracias a por la imagen.