Submissions by Diego.Espino tagged choice-making

Género: Rol, Fantasía, Sigilo, Aventura, Acción.

Plataforma: PS4, Switch, PC.

Demografía: Para mayores de 16 años.

Descripción del Juego: En Suforia, un mundo donde la magia y la tecnología coexisten, los humanos se clasifican en 2: los magos que son las personas que pueden invocar magia y los no magos que son considerados humanos corrientes que no pueden utilizar la magia pero estos se inclinan más al área tecnológica. Eres Robert un niño de 17 años que nació sin tener la capacidad de invocar magia, tus padres te aman demasiado aun sabiendo que naciste sin poder usar magia. Tus padres, Jasón y Jasmine, son magos curativos de clase alta y estos son llamados para que atiendan a una paciente enferma que está localizada en Borchu, un pueblo campesino que se encuentra algo lejos de casa. Tus padres aceptan y deciden llevarte con ellos; tomas todo lo necesario incluyendo tu nueva cámara que te regalaron en tu cumpleaños.

En el camino a Borchu se puede notar a una gran distancia que se acerca una tormenta pero tus padres no se detienen ya que no tienen ni un segundo que perder. Tú curiosamente decides grabar lo que está pasando pero de pronto se ve que los están persiguiendo; aparecen 5 personas encapuchadas montando caballo y estos les disparan con armas de fuego. Tus padres y tú tratan de esconderse cerca de un bosque, mientras que tu padre se ofrece para distraer a las personas, tu madre te esconde y se va a ayudar a tu padre. Después de esperar una hora sales a buscar a tus padres y notas que los 2 están muertos cerca de un río, desesperadamente buscas a las personas encapuchadas para obtener venganza pero no dejaron rastro alguno. Después de una hora te acuerdas de tu cámara y notas que las personas encapuchadas tienen un signo como si fueran de un clan o grupo, así decides pasar el resto de tu vida buscando venganza.

El juego consiste que Robert tras encontrar evidencia suficiente de los asesinos vaya a los hogares o el lugar actual donde se encuentran y busque más información del porque mataron a sus padres y tal vez recobrar venganza. La mecánica principal del juego es ir en modo sigilo esquivando a los guardias y magos y así llegar al objetivo principal. Robert tiene una gran desventaja como un humano sin poder utilizar magia, gracias a esto Robert decidirá usar la tecnología o simplemente objetos mágicos para cumplir con su objetivo. Robert también tiene la oportunidad de obtener ayuda de otras personas pero esto tiene un costo ya que estos personajes son mercenarios, estos personajes podrán interactuar en la historia principal y tratar de ayudar a Robert en todo lo que puedan. Estos personajes también ayudaran a Robert a encontrar otra familia ya que no todo deberá ser venganza.


Gracias a por la imagen.

Genre: Platform, Decision Making, Multiple Endings, Story Telling.

Platform: PC, Switch.

Demographic: Teen (16+)

Game Description: In this game you will play as 5 different persons that are struggling with their lives. You as the player will avoid that or will cause more harm and teach them a lesson about life depending on the case in which you are playing. All of this 5 persons are unique case that you will work on, this five characters are:

  1. Sophia: A girl that lost her parents in a plane crash, she is forced to move with her evil aunt.
  2. Mick: An 18 year old that lost his legs on the last game of football.
  3. Daniella: An orphan that has only been taught to steal by the wrong people.
  4. Shawn: A 55 year old man that when he was a kid he loved music but left it because of family business and to this point he has done nothing with his life.
  5. Esteban: An 18 year old man that suffered a car crash leaving him with the decision of either do something or not.

Gameplay: “Chaos in the Mind” is a platformer where you play as “MIND”. In this game the screen is split in two, the top screen is focused on the character you play, MIND and the screen below is where the person is affected by the decision of MIND. This game is a platformer which each level has different objectives, this objectives will influence the person on their decision. For instance, one level could begin in point A and end in point B without killing more than 5 enemies. If MIND is blue at the end of the level it will influence the person by obeying and do something, but if the color at the end is red which indicates that you fail the objective and reach the end of the level MIND will influence the person by frustrating and behaving terribly. Not all good decisions have to be blue. MIND will accompany each person until something is learned or failed miserably.

Thanks to: for the image

Genre: Survival, Fantasy, Choice Making, Horror, 3D graphics, Open World.

Platforms: Ps4, PC, Xbox1, Switch.

Demographic: 16+

Game Description: The night is not a place where you can wander alone anymore, the darkness consumes every human or animals when the moon is set. Nobody knows how it really happen, some people said that the government was doing experiments that made the dark “eat people”, people also said that it was thanks to a diabolical ritual and other just think that this is God´s Judgment. When the sun goes down people disappear, people have seen how this new phenomenon takes people, when there is no light, when you can´t see anything the darkness begins to take you to the ground until you are not more. No one knows where does it takes you, people have dig to see what happens to the body but they don’t find anything. The only way to counter the darkness at night is to bring some kind of light with you, but the light won´t last forever.

Gameplay Explanation: After being the only survivor of your friends and family you decided that you want to live. This is a survival game where you need to find some source of light to help you survive in the night but of course you are not the only one that needs it. In this survival game you will need to make decisions either building a base or explore the world destroyed by darkness. You will spend the day looking for valuable resources such as food, water and some way to gather all things that can bring light for you to protect you when you want to sleep or just being aware of what is outside. The decisions will be really important to this game, it can bring you to having another family, discovering the secrets behind what is really happening to the world, joining a resistance that helps people have a home, having a war between people to have resources or just making bad decisions and dying. The game also has a combat system since it’s a survival in an open world you will chose between multiple weapons like swords, guns or just your fist.


Gracias a por la imagen.

Genre: Point & Click Puzzle, Mystery, Fantasy, Multiple Endings, Visual Novel

Platform: PS4, Xbox1, PC, Switch, Mobile

Demographic: Teen 16+

Game Description: Set in the year 3021, you play as Angelica, a 15 year old girl that wakes up in a locked white room with nothing except for a table that has 3 books. Having no memory of anything or how she got there, she began to hear from a speaker in the corner of the room that she has 3 days to recover from the books, valuable details that will help some scientist create a cure to prevent the end of humanity. Explaining Angelica about the unknown disease that transform people into trees she is then forced to do this task, she opens the books only to find out that all the pages are white except for the first one. Then, she is explained that she has some unnatural powers that let her go enter the books, revive and interact with the story of how the author created a disease, a cure and the actions that led as to why he did it.
How the game is played: The game is a light novel that makes you choose options that will affect the outcome of the story, once an option is chosen you cannot go back this is for the player to experience different kinds of outcomes each time the game is played. The game also consist of puzzles that will be complete either you win or fail, this will also affect the ending of the story. Each book consist of different stories about the life of the author, Angelica will be different kinds of people interacting with the author and choosing different options that will led to the ending of each book. When Angelica chooses the wrong path, she will wake up and notice that the page is all with black ink forcing her to pass out and going to the next day to the second book and so on until she arrives to the final day.

Music of the game:

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