Submissions by Diego.Espino tagged jrpg

Genre: Strategy, Adventure, Hack and Slash, Comedy, JRPG.

Platform: PC

Demographic: For people over 16 years and older. This game is to people that love pixel art, a great challenge and optimize their team to be prepared for every situation.

Game Description: After someone dies, don’t you wonder what happens? “After opening my eyes, I see her. Sitting in a chair, a lady with white hair talks to me.” When someone dies, that person is reincarnated in another world, the world of Galexia. Galexia is known for being a phantasy world like the games and always being in control of the Demon Lord, Zanek and their 6 generals, every person that is reincarnated here is ordered to defeat him and get one wish form the goddess.

In this game you are Alex, an 18 year old man that died from being to careless and falling from the stairs of your house. Six months have passed since you got incarnated to this world and you decided that you will stay in the first town that you arrived, you got very rich by working hard and creating a machine that lets people travel fast by land.

One day having breakfast, you hear someone knock on the door of your house, that person is no other than the goddess that send you to this world. When you see her face you notice that she is very mad at you for not helping the world against the Demon Lord. You upset, with all the logical information that you have gathered in six months, you yell at her and explain your point of view. It’s basically impossible to win the war since the Demon army is larger by numbers and every time a general is killed the Demon Lord puts someone stronger. It’s pointless to try if the outcome is that you are going to get yourself killed. So you propose that it’s better to enjoy life while it last.

After hearing all your babbling, the goddess cast a spell of manipulation that makes your body move on his own, with this the goddess will give you and order and you will do it right away. During the day you will lend your strength in battle while trying not to die and during the night you will have your body back on your own, you will do as you please.

Gameplay Explanation: This game is a combination of hack and Slash and strategy that will let players create whatever kinds of teams they want, up to four heroes can get in a team. This games follows the classic JRPG style of every time you touch an enemy you will go to the battle right up. In battle you can move freely and attack your enemy, you will also have your own Special Moves that will let you have multiple combinations and make your own combos.

This game also has a new mechanic that we call “The Chain Battle or Die”, this mechanic is presented in battle when more than 2 groups of enemies want to attack you, once you defeat an whole group you will instantly battle the other group, but be careful since you and your allies will be exhausted after using your special moves that requires Energy Points (EP). To get better at this mechanic you will need various groups that will be always there to support you, you can have a total of 4 groups with 4 people in it.

“Try and Have Fun” mechanic is also implemented in this game. After giving your all, sacrificing yourself for the sake of this world that you love so much, you will have your “fun”. During the night you will be tired and your body cant with everything that has happen during the day. Use this opportunity to meet new heroes, create armor, weapons, optimizing your team or just sleep and get going to the next battle to save Galexia.


Thanks to for the Image.

Genre: Magic, Adventure, JRPG, Fantasy.

Platform: Switch, PC.

Demographic: This games is aimed for teenagers over 16 and up. For people that really appreciates a JRPG combine with a touch of magic and adventure.

Game Description: You are a first-time student in the most famous and biggest academy in the world of Zenitia. The academy is named after the biggest wizard ever to live named Azoth. The Great Academy of Azoth is widely known around the world for being a school that always succeeds in teaching the young students to find a way to discover themselves how to fit in the magic world of Zenitia. The academy specializes mostly on earth, fire, wind, water and light magic, each of this types of magic are what keep the world on going. Finally, each of these types of magic is also used to protect themselves when the time to battle comes.

Here is explain how each magic helps the world:

Earth Magic: Specializes in manipulating the ground to build streets, houses and buildings. This magic serves as a physical damage dealer and protection when is used in battle.

Fire Magic: The main use of fire in this world is for battle, the fire users are mainly to be aggressive in time to battle, and they serve as a main magic attack dealer. They also have a small but big purpose like in smiting, in industries, and the cooking industry.

Wind Magic: The purpose of using wind magic in battle is used to attack and mainly to debuff enemies in battle with the territory of the where the user is. In the world wind magic is the second most chosen magic which helps mainly on mills to help create electricity, and has a little help in hospitals.

Water Magic: The water magic specializes in healing in battle. This magic is the hardest magic in the world to learn thanks to how much one has to study and keep studying once you have graduated of the academy. With water magic is where doctors and nurse come and help by healing the diseases.

Light Magic: The main focus of light magic in battle is to provide buffs to your allies in battle. This magic is to help explorers when they go to their adventures, it is also helpful when it comes to manipulate electricity and machinery.

Here is when the game begins, you will create your own character and choose which magic to learn but as the game progresses you will start to get bored. Later in the game you will find that there is other magic that isn’t being used in the world which is the dark magic. You will investigate more about the magic and will become more interested in what purpose had in the world. You will realize that this magic is prohibited thanks to Azoth that was scared of this magic and decided to hide it, you as the main character will find a way for this time of magic to fit in the world. But this magic is prohibited for a reason and is that is the most dangerous magic that when used will drain some of your health, you can use it to manipulated people, create hallucinations and other prohibited things.

Gameplay explanation: This is a JRPG a game that will have turn based combat. In this game you will need to make allies which will support your decision no matter how dangerous it seems although you have your friends, you will also have your enemies. In this battle system there will be a combination of magic that will allow players to combine their magic and create new types of magic that will help you in battle. Finally, there will be an all-out of magic attack, this mechanic will help you beat easily enemies when certain conditions are met during battle.


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Género: JRPG, Aventura, Fantasía.

Plataforma: PC, Switch, PS4, Xbox.

Demografía: Para mayores de 16 años. Para personas que busquen una buena historia y les gusten los combate por turnos.

Descripción del Juego: El lugar donde se jugará el juego será en el mundo de Oceana, donde el agua cubre más de 75% del mundo. El otro 25 % del mundo son 2 continentes que nunca han estado en guerra y han podido vivir gracias a que los continentes se ayudan entre si llamados Sunshine y Dragalia. En Sunshine hay una gran diversidad de cultura entre los habitantes y hay una gran cantidad de flora la cual les ha ayudado en la creación de medicinas. Por otro lado está Dragalia donde los habitantes se concentran en domar animales y usarlos a su propio beneficio, aquí los grandes dragones los cuales se hacen creer que son dioses y creadores del mundo donde habitan. Por último están una gran variedad de islas con cuevas donde se encuentran tesoros y variedad de cosas.

El juego comienza cuando el protagonista, Zack, baja a una cueva de la isla donde el habita con la esperanza de encontrar un gran tesoro o una arma para que se beneficie para cumplir su sueño de ser un aventurero. Zack al bajar al fondo de la cueva se encuentra con un golem que está protegiendo una puerta donde no se ha entrado, Zack al vencerlo entra a la habitación misteriosa donde encuentra un cofre brillando, al abrirlo Zack es “maldecido” con un poder oscuro. Este ahora puede usar magia negra para defenderse o atacar, cuando las personas de su aldea se dan cuenta, lo llevan a prisión y lo acusan de ser un brujo que juega con la muerte. Zack con gran arrepentimiento decide escapar de la prisión e investigar una forma de librarse sobre esta maldición. Como el jugador, tú estarás visitando el mundo de Oceana, descubriendo tesoros, visitando los 2 continentes y conociendo nuevos compañeros que te ayudarán en tu misión.

El combate del juego es por turnos donde solo se podrán 3 personajes a la hora de batallar, cada personaje tendrá una gran variedad de habilidades donde se podrán mesclar y crear nuevas estrategias. Los enemigos aparecerán y los podrás ver, haciendo que no se han encuentros aleatorios. Tendrás un bote pequeño al principio del juego y a medida que avances en la historia podrás tener un bote grande y cuando estés en el mar te podrán atacar los piratas e invadir tu bote, tú puedes ordenar a tus compañeros de invadir el bote enemigo.


Gracias a por la imagen:

Género: JRPG, Rol, Puzzle, Strategy.

Plataforma: Móvil, Mi juego seria de móvil por el modo de como el videojuego combinara puzzles y JRPG que se beneficiarían de la pantalla táctil.

Demografía: Para mayores de 12 años y para Estados Unidos, Japón y Latino américa.

Descripción del Juego: El príncipe Ntiénko y la princesa Alíki fueron forzados a escapar a un mundo paralelo después que su reino, Estiatório, fue invadido por las bestias sagradas de su mundo. Acompaña a la princesa Alíki que tuvo la brillante idea de abrir un restaurante para conseguir dinero y beneficiarse para comprar el equipamiento para su hermano y reconquistar el mundo de las bestias sagradas. El juego se estará constantemente jugando como los 2 hermanos, La parte de Ntiénko será JRPG (al estilo de pokemon), tú tendrás la opción si domar a los monstros para que te ayuden a reconquistar tu mundo o decidirás matarlos para dárselo a Alíki para tener más recetas para su restaurante. La parte de Alíki se concentrara nen mejorar tu restaurante haciendo puzzles de comida, dependiendo de cómo hagas es puzzle, si es perfecto o malo, será la cantidad de dinero que obtendrás y también beneficiara a Ntiénko con mejoras de atributos para su parte del juego.

Link de la música:
• Parte de Ntiénko:
• Parte de Alíki:

Gracias a por la imagen.