Submissions by danielpringle tagged miner

MinerChef is a First Person Cooking and Serving Simulator, with a Dwarven Twist. You are the Head Proprietor at King's Chugger Inn, in the dwarven city of Stoneholm. Miners and Forgers come through your door every day, expecting decent food, cold beer, and absolutely no reason to get angry. Except your Head Chef just quit. It is now up to you to cook the food, serve the beer, and keep the patrons happy, while dealing with the near constant orders for different types of meals and beverages. Due to the lack of a chef, you have gone and brought a Meal Mixer; a device that allows you to throw ingredients in, and food comes out all cooked and ready. You can only carry so many plates of food and pints of beer, so prioritizing is key. Do a fast job, and you get a tip ontop of the regular payment. at the end of each day, use your cash to buy more ingredient, Meal Mixers, and Beer types, to keep up with the demands of the dwarves. If a dwarf goes too long without service, he is likely to go into a frenzy, and a bar Brawl will occour. There goes all your hard earned money for the day, wasted on repairs. Can you be the top dog of the city, the Ultimate MinerChef?

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