Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
Today, I attempted to draw myself based on pictures of myself (selfies, if you will). Oh, the vanity. It's strange to attempt internalizing the way you look to other people.
(Didn't feel like using actual art pencils or sketchpad.)
I swear, Streak Club always messes up the orientation of photos I upload from my phone. Hopefully I remember to fix this on my computer tomorrow.
Hi! So, yesterday was the first day I missed all year, but it was on purpose. It was late at night again, and I could have drawn something quick just to keep the streak, but I was tired of doing that. I let myself get away with posting crud all the time, and it's not giving me any practice or any benefit other than not having to sit down and draw. So, I missed the day as a protest of my own shortcut-taking. Now, I've actually put effort into drawing some stuff. I intend to keep doing that!
I drew, again. It's just that yesterday and today I drew little sketches on a storyboard for TV Arts, and I don't feel like finding it in my backpack just to take a picture. Don't think I even have it with me today.
Think not of how little work I put in to these, but how it shows I care that I bother to stay up at night staring at a bright phone screen only to put out this crud.
TV Arts thumbnail boards. One of which, thanks to bad erasers, turned out creepier than I ever could have done on purpose.
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