A quick jam with Modular and Meeblip Geode synth (which did the bass).
Sequenced with Deluge and Stillson Hammer MkII. Featuring odd sounds from Plaits and Cursus Iteritas.
I think I'll be trying to work on good melodic parts more this coming year. Doing house and techno beats is fun, but if I can create better melodies it's going to make all of the difference for me.
I forgot to time this one, but it's a fun live jam anyway so kind of low effort. Maybe 30-40 minutes?
This is a two-synth jam: Oberheim XPander and Kilpatrick Phenol.
I set up the XPander to play a loop of chords in the background. The Phenol was played live using self-triggering mechanisms (no keyboard). There's actually a fair amount going on for not that many synths.
No software effects except for limiting/EQ on the master track.
Warning: some high frequencies.
Sun, Apr. 23: 13:00 - 15:10. An attempt at a jam.
I'm trying to make more interesting jams. I heard a few things from some other synth guys recently, like:
- They like to use multiple short phrases (8 or even 4 steps)
- Different time steps
- Cut off steps every once in a while
- Use reset a lot
I figure that I can try out some of these techniques in a live jam and see how it goes. A lot of the techniques they mentioned apply to a Eurorack format but I should be able to do a lot even without it.
Total time: 2h 10m