Submissions by amberjulian tagged usb

Virus Spreader

Say you were in IT class. Say you've just discovered your teacher can see which windows you have open on your computer. You might start backtracking your thoughts to that weird look that she gave you after you watched that risque video in class. She didn't see did she? What if she has proof?!

Virus Spreader is a launcher game based around a person (you) who must give the teachers computer a virus at all costs. The game revolves around repetitively firing a USB towards said computer until you finally achieve your goal. Getting it there however, will not be easy as the teachers computer is at the front of the class, and anyone who would have a reason to infect the computer obviously sits at the back. As well as the distance you need to cover, there are also all types of obstacles randomly placed in your way for reasons the teacher probably can't even explain.

Luckily for you, as your USB passes by other students, they will want to sponsor you. Everyone has something they wish to hide from the teacher, and a virus on her computer is just what they need. This is represented by checkpoints, as well as bonus money floating in the air, and power ups for short term advantages. Between each round there will be an opportunity for you to shop for supplies, aka upgrades so that your USB has more of a chance of reaching its goal.