Phew made a major update to ARGH-P-G bringing it to version 2 with lots of enhancements and improvements. Although the downside a few more bugs / oversights to contend with again.
Check it out at
Also written 2 articles surrounding character exploration for
How to give npc characters more character
Bridging the connection between player and character
Really successful meeting this morning, hopefully should be starting teaching kids some time after April. Off to shadow a club very shortly. Exciting times!
Game dev wise I'm currently working on a new movement prototype for ARGH-P-G. If it continues as well as it is, I'll need to then decide if it will ultimately replace the current one or whether I'll put it in the 3d version. Replacing the original, would mean the dynamics of ARGH-P-G 2d would need to change.
No unity yesterday as I spent a lot of time, bringing my 2d fast-paced dungeon crawler rpg named ARGH-P-G to the next base build version v1.150. Implementing 3 class types to choose from, each bringing their set of strengths, weaknesses and abilities to the mix.
Play the latest version on itchio
The aim currently is to bring it to a classic dungeon crawler stability and then to explore the other ideas I've had for it.
I'm very close to having a solid foundation to build upon, which exciting as then I can start to look at the real meat and substance of the project.
Next up I'm hoping to look into creating seeded dungeons and also to working on making play-throughs more of a progression.