Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
Started working on an anemone creature, that will be made out of the Plant physics pieces, its interesting as it got me to use both the skinning functions in a way I hadn't thought of: apply a small force depending on position to give a rounded shape, while still acting like a normal plant pole, and a haxe feature I've never used: binding a value to a function, so I can pass extra info to the skinning function without Plant class needing to know about that info beforehand. Basically what it means is instead of passing a function that takes 4 arguments, all of which it is fed by the skinning code, I create a function with 5 parameters, and bind a value to it beforehand, and the skinning code still sees only 4 arguments, and doesn't complain.
apple, would you mind not just changing up web standards when you feel like it, without any way out? thanks man I appreciate it.
Status: apple sucks I hate apple (okok they have really good designers but apple sucks.)
Hey, just popping in to say almost every empty day on my streak has actually been really productive work toward my site. We are currently in soft-launch, but you guys are welcome to come check it out and hang out. The amazingly professional looking website was done by a friend that I met through the site itself, and turns out to be a professional web developer, most of the text is his, all I did were a couple edits, and pictures (yes, that is my thumb.)
come check out:
Just checking in, sorry still no game work, but checked my github streak and I'm actually at the longest dev streak I've ever had, working on this website. I'm nearing release, mainly just need to buy a prepaid credit card so I can purchase a domain name, then I'll do another post here, for now, if anyone is interested in checking out: , I would be greatly appreciative as I just mocked up the homepage this evening and haven't had feedback on it yet. As for the actual chatrooms, you'll notice the stated main room is pretty empty, this is as currently all the users chat in a founders room which will be made private on release.
Note: I have yet to get permission from Leaf if I may use that screenshot of streakclub, I will not release the site with that image unless I hear that it is ok. (also currently using gfycat's wordlists and need to email them)
Ok, so, I'm really sorry I'm posting this without any game work done, but I really want to show off. Try out the chat again at:
Here's a picture if you're too lazy:
Tiny bit of game planning:/ but more chat features...
Did a tiny bit of work on the game so I can post here, mostly been working on
Started work on an enemy that'll hopefully be kind of a jumpy thing, where it'll jump up to ledges and clamber over to follow you, so I first had to sort out how to actually get it to jump to a specific point, kind of confused why this actually works right now but it seems to mostly yeah, bleh.
Started blocking together the base of hopefully the next enemy, and made it so plants respond to movement by any object with physics applied to it.
So I did work yesterday, and I'll request a late submission link, I did a bunch of debugging to sort out why I had broke my game, and found a small issue in the engine I use (fixed now) that had caused big, hard to find damage in my game.
Today I refactored the players collision component into something that all complex moving entities can use, with no reliance on other player code:D
Made game run again, found bug in engine.
So, haven't been posting here as I haven't done any work on the game, but I have done quite a lot on my little chat thing, its no longer really URL based, which is kinda sad, as it was kinda cool and unique, but now it has some nice things, like while still being anonymous, you can see when the person talking changes, give it a try:
(btw, big bug right now, please don't add an ending slash when you type in the URL for that page.)
Fixed some bugs in HTA, also fixed the fact you could put any html right into that chat, but I kinda liked the formatting so I wrote a quick BBCode parser (just [img] [b] and [i] for now):
I also made it fully persistent, acidentally deleted history a couple times but it should stay now.
Fixed a couple bugs, been bad, playing with dynamic websites using Nodejs (with a cool haxe library) instead of gamedev, I always get sucked into stuff like this, especially if I've never tried it before:/
Super super hacky html-only(literally refreshes the page every 3 seconds, and has to have logic so the scrolling doesn't reset when it does that ahahaha) anonymous chat client:
Some more anemone work, looks like I may need to add to the physics sim, as currently I'm really needing to bend my use of programmable forces just to shape the anemone, and if I use too much it'll break down so I have to be subtle, think instead I need programmable gravity direction, to achieve similar results without breaking down.
Toyed around for under 10 minutes with plants:/
Added more options to skinning, see: the tigsource devlog for some hopefully interesting info, but if not heres a gif from it:
Played with networking a bit for fun, and messed with plant physics to try a less underwatery feeling one.
Took me an hour and a half, but HtA now runs on the newest version of luxe(:
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@Bobbo yeah, its really handy when you need to pass functions around:D
That's very cool. I wasn't aware that you could bind a value to a function in Haxe (or any language, actually).