could probably make the piano in this better. dunno bout splice vocals i cant work with vocal prob rather do instrumental only but vocal fun to get new ideas

Rain25282 days ago

4 bar loop is same as 3 minute loop

Rain25282 days ago

am getting more bored of 1 minute ideas now tho probably gonna do more 3 minute ideas

Rain25282 days ago

i sometimes wonder if starting with weakest element is good idea. say im good at piano or chords should i start with fx or drums or melodies instead. dont rlly know if i actively do this

Rain25282 days ago

more wanna get used to different sounds

Rain25282 days ago

i know some basic arrangement now i think

Rain25282 days ago

too ahrd to analyze workflow for that reason... cant remember what i was doing before i made load of 1 minute ideas so idk if 1 minute thing is good workflow

Rain25282 days ago

i getting bored atm of workflow of trying to define 'this bit is drop' 'this bit is buildup' but ahh pointless talking about workflow it basically based on past workflows always iit

Rain25282 days ago

maybe theres no difference between 4 bar loop and 3 minute loop is workflow i wan try more

Rain25282 days ago

might try write more 3 minute

Rain25282 days ago

main problem with 1 minute 2 minute or 3 minute 4 5 8 is it earworms and then u open up the next day and is shit so idk daily music dump is kind of weird idea prob i think can still learn a lot even when in earworm mode and open it up next day is shit

Rain25282 days ago

i like 1 minute things caus u can change something then listen from start most of the time btu 2 3 minute things u can have it playing and yea hold mental model of hwole trak in mind and make some edits even if intro isnt fully done yet etc ... this probably basic to anyone who make longer ideas all the time but i used to fleshing out everything first so its different workflow but can be alright couple time i tried it

Rain25282 days ago

thing that worked for me the couple times i tmade longer 2 3 minute things was have it loop over 2 3 minutes then change things while it plays thru its kind of weird process to me caus u have to constantly kind of hold mental image of hole trak in ur mind but i guess thats mnore songwriting workflow init

Rain25282 days ago

and its an old idea so its pretty different to whatever u done recently so helps diversify but then also u wrote it so its not same as remixing something by someone else

Rain25282 days ago

nice thing about opening up old idea even if its just a shitty loop is you get one solid idea out of it maybe a melody or chords or combination of elements then just delete everything except that bit and remix it worth the 5 minute fixing broken links instruments dont work or samples not in same folder locations

Rain25282 days ago

i feel like making 1 minute traxks help a lot with trying make somethign longer so i prob just keep making longer ideas 3 minute 4 minute wuld be goal

Rain25282 days ago

remix old ideas is something i tried lately it works pretty well but gotta spend 5 minute convert project into new workflow since links break etc with old ableton sets

Rain25282 days ago

i feel like laying out bass and kick snare could be a way to make FULL TRAC but idk rlly im more just trying to get used to different edm sounds atm

Rain25282 days ago

process i like lately is make a drop with kick snare bass and then a buildup. then add whatever other shit or whatever convert the drop into a buildup, then do another drop after that. i havent found a process works 100% one process always get boring esp for music but idk rlly ask real producer. making a drop then converting that drop into buildup is good process i think easy to do anyway. it might be weird process idk. easiest way to convert a drop into buildup is just lowpass highpass automation at same time over 4/8 bars then put even heavier drop after it. ill probably get bored of this way of working soon and do other way of working so just take whatever process work for u in past i guess rlly. i like to swap between making different styles of music caus otherwise i get bored or make same thing over and over which inevitable so swapping between different process always something i do. i should probably start with melody caus my melodies always pretty bad i find but idk usually find it boring starting with melody idk start with drum or bass lately work for me but maybe melody start would be good for a while

More submissions by Rain25 for Daily music dump

klaypex - sleep to dream remix [130bpm, Am] v1.wav22mb
50 cent - just a lil bit remix [96.901bpm, F#m] v1.wav16mb
1 download
jessie murph, jelly roll - wild ones remix vid.mp4262mb
jessie murph - wild ones remix v1.wav22mb
1 download

feel like fm8 is greatest synth of all time... fm synthesis sounds too good cant make ting like this with subtractive. why isnt there fm9... fm8 came out 20 yrs ago now still best synth of all time. probably gonna try make a billion sounds with fm8


become edm broducer



1 download

nice to be writing slightly longer ideas lately. this one 2 and half minutes

1 download
1 download

rubbish but 3 minute


splice vocal. splice has 23k results atm if u search 'vocal hook'. sort by popularity works pretty well

1 download

favorite thing i wrote so far shout out nicky

nicki minaj - starships remix [125.008bpm, Bm] v1.wav6mb

[VOLUME WARNING not mixed - drop too loud]

DUBLE UPLOAD i like the melody in 2nd upload

hate ppl posting art on internet and saying 'this is trash' but this is trash. enjoyed making it... but became trash maybe halfway thru process of making it. maybe start with better chord progression next time. writing 2 minute track about 1000 time harder than writing 1 minute track. having made 1 minute trax helps. lol i feel like i enjoyed making a 2minute track tho so im happy wit it

starting with piano and bass and laying out a 2 minutes of audio worked pretty well to start it off. want to improve the drums and vibes of next one esp in non-drop parts. maybe have some kind of different section or different bass notes in a section or 2. might lay out bass and piano for similar thing but with chord progression i like more

[VOLUME WARNING not mixed - drop too loud]


tried a couple new thing. automated volume of bass down at end of intro... automated some high end out of bass on a higher note... dont use tremolo strings that often... lead from a future rave preset pack for serum


20 minutes mixing a 5 second drop loop... realize saturator on master somehow... export

tried faster melody... theres a music theory term for the melody in this. returns to one note in the melody frequently. might be ostinato probably soemthing else. making these heavy trap drops might be a good way to learn mixing. really hard to get everything sounding loud at once ... might be good mixing practice

1 download

Daily music dump

1 second or longer. take risks. try new techniques. learn.

joined 975 days ago
