Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
[VOLUME WARNING not mixed - drop too loud]
DUBLE UPLOAD i like the melody in 2nd upload
hate ppl posting art on internet and saying 'this is trash' but this is trash. enjoyed making it... but became trash maybe halfway thru process of making it. maybe start with better chord progression next time. writing 2 minute track about 1000 time harder than writing 1 minute track. having made 1 minute trax helps. lol i feel like i enjoyed making a 2minute track tho so im happy wit it
starting with piano and bass and laying out a 2 minutes of audio worked pretty well to start it off. want to improve the drums and vibes of next one esp in non-drop parts. maybe have some kind of different section or different bass notes in a section or 2. might lay out bass and piano for similar thing but with chord progression i like more
[VOLUME WARNING not mixed - drop too loud]
isnt elon 6foot something and mark is 5 foot somethin sounded like a dumb idea for fight
wasnt elon musk and mark zuckerberg gonna fight for some reason
statement bout ai
lex fridman statement on dangers of ai what is this
people have been complaining about the news and media and all for 5 to 10 yr now a lot. do we have dank journalist yet
ai is terminator and extinction of humanity is good headline
isnt one of the big threats of tech/AI just people using it malicious on other people or entity against population etc. doesnt make good headlines or clickbait...
these garbage existential risk vids are good misinformation or disinformation or whatever it called
wtf some of these thumbnails about ai threat... the clickbaity shit ones are wild. good to see ppl cashing in on existential threat of humanity extinction with garbage youtube vids beautiful
i like nick bostrom saying every invention u pull a invention out the bag. sometimes u get fire sometimes u get nuclear bomb etc
this is boring i shitpost this stuff all the time
not rlly ai threat specifically
cant solar flare knock out computer systems. or... we had covid virus... is there any possibility of virus like that for computer? probably. what do tha experts say about this. it just seems like everyone assumes computers gonna stay on and working 24/7 for next 100 yrs but is there percent chance this doesnt happen would that be existential risk idk probably everything gonna be connected to computer soon
everything in the future is computer... computer security and society reliance on computer is existential threat isnt it
bbc news reporter talking about existential threat ai
something bout disinformation too or misinformation whats difference between disinformation and misinformation
basically saying only ai danger worth considering is carbon footprint of ai? idk doubt it
ai is dangerous not for reasons u think
what rlly lies behind the walls of this presidential aircraft
secrets of presidential airplanes
most terrifying plane landings on cameras
space x rocket
drone buying guide
drone delivers garbage to someones house
feel like fm8 is greatest synth of all time... fm synthesis sounds too good cant make ting like this with subtractive. why isnt there fm9... fm8 came out 20 yrs ago now still best synth of all time. probably gonna try make a billion sounds with fm8
could probably make the piano in this better. dunno bout splice vocals i cant work with vocal prob rather do instrumental only but vocal fun to get new ideas
nice to be writing slightly longer ideas lately. this one 2 and half minutes
splice vocal. splice has 23k results atm if u search 'vocal hook'. sort by popularity works pretty well
favorite thing i wrote so far shout out nicky
tried a couple new thing. automated volume of bass down at end of intro... automated some high end out of bass on a higher note... dont use tremolo strings that often... lead from a future rave preset pack for serum
20 minutes mixing a 5 second drop loop... realize saturator on master somehow... export
tried faster melody... theres a music theory term for the melody in this. returns to one note in the melody frequently. might be ostinato probably soemthing else. making these heavy trap drops might be a good way to learn mixing. really hard to get everything sounding loud at once ... might be good mixing practice
joined 975 days ago
ur platforms gay. no ur platforms gay. fight me cocksucker. suck my dick. never fought irl