its real fun doing these and trying to understand muscle and bone structure

snailtendo4 years ago

@aromoma Yay for learning! That's a lot of stuff to take away from just one drawing. Keep it up!! :D

aromoma4 years ago

@snailtendo oh, dag, i would say that i learned the most from working on that guy at the top.

main things are that the torso and legs are much longer than i always think they are. when i'm drawing from memory, i tend to squish everything together.

the arms have SHOULDERS and don't just poke out from the torso. another issue i had when drawing from memory.

and learning feet in general and a bunch of other small things!

I struggle with legs and hips so, that's been my primary goal in studying anatomy and trying to understand how they work to create movement.

Thank you for asking! It's always good to reflect.

snailtendo4 years ago

Nice!! Did you learn anything new about anatomy or the figure today?

More submissions by aromoma for Daily Art Club

A submission by aromoma for Daily Art Club

back from a week long trip with the fam. got more pokemon to draw

A submission by aromoma for Daily Art Club

i'm so angry i halfassed the background then i forgot to fucking save before i closed it

A submission by aromoma for Daily Art Club

okay so coloring fire is kinda fun

A submission by aromoma for Daily Art Club

this was harder to draw than it looked, lol. i also went with a slightly different palette for beedo because it looked better to my eye

bonus beedo below for u ash, ur welcom

A submission by aromoma for Daily Art Club

drawing pokemon to try to practice shading and some lineart

A submission by aromoma for Daily Art Club

i drew this for a friend

A submission by aromoma for Daily Art Club

amber would probably introduce her friends like "and these are my followers"

A submission by aromoma for Daily Art Club

i end up being really proud of my warm up sketches sometimes i should post those more

A submission by aromoma for Daily Art Club

i had fun coloring her...

A submission by aromoma for Daily Art Club

revisited this sketch. leaning towards the short-sleeved dress

A submission by aromoma for Daily Art Club

i always get consistent for like a week then i mess it up

A submission by aromoma for Daily Art Club

i remember why i hate summer when the bugs come back

A submission by aromoma for Daily Art Club

everybody together

A submission by aromoma for Daily Art Club

i just wanted to draw her again 🥺 👉👈

edit: i also drew other girls

A submission by aromoma for Daily Art Club

almost forgot to post. i like the palette for hans (on the left) better than fletcher's.

oh above them are their family crests

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