Submissions from 2018-04-19 to 2018-04-20 (8 total)

Genre: puzzle, 2D, challenge, arcade, Tetris-like
Platform: Android
This game has a Tetris game style. where you must complete a line of block to make the tower down. Here is the Panamanian part to make a new awesome game. This game will have items as "Diablo Rojos", "Sancochos", "Chicheme" and more as object you can use inside the round to win or handicap you opponents.

The players must get a complete horizontal block line until the round time end. The player who get more line in the round time or the opponent doesn't clean his block lines. down will see the items you can use to make handicaps to your opponent and line cleaners to you:
1. Handicap’s item
a. “Raspao”: This item freezes a two line blocks of your opponent.
b. “Ñeque”: This item steals a block from the 5 most complete line of your opponent.
c. “Tortugon”: This item makes the falling the blocks be slowly.
2. Cleaner’s items
a. “Diablo rojo”: This item deletes 5 consecutive block lines of yours choose
b. “Sancocho”: This item fills the empty of one of your block line
c. “Chicheme”: This item reorder your blocks, putting your block you have on the empty space to complete lines.

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The Sacred Trident.docx234kb

Consolas: PlayStation 4, Xbox one, Nintendo Switch, Pc.
Género: Acción, Plataforma, Hit and run, Disparos, Hack n Slash, pixel art, Un solo jugador.
• Objetivo de audiencia: Llamar la atención del jugador con un juego super rápido y podrás realizar combos rápidos y muertes en cadenas, disfrutar de una pequeña aventura/acción y saltar e caer entre plataformas mientras disparas. Para edades de 18 hasta 40 en adelante.
• Introducción: El planeta está en peligro y las personas necesitan de tu ayuda, es momento de que seas el héroe de esta tierra. La tierra ha sido invadida, dominada y mutada por diferentes enemigos que están sobre él, tu deber es aniquilar estas amenazas y encontrar la paz que este mundo necesita.

• Descripción: ¡Make it worth! Es un juego donde te encontraras 5 personas que estarán destinados a hacer justicia para el mundo, estas 5 personas tendrán una habilidad diferente y dominaras cada habilidad de ellos, al paso que continúes en esta corta travesía llena de actos, conseguirás recompensas con dinero que podrás usar para comprar cosméticos.
Al inicio te encontraras con Soldado quien será tu guía y primer personaje en el juego, el cuenta con un rifle y su habilidad única es deslizarse. El tendrá un rifle de medio alcance. Al terminar actos, conseguirás un nuevo personaje que tendrá una habilidad y un arma predeterminada, también soldado cuenta con un arma cuerpo a cuerpo si desea hacer muertes rápidas y en cadena.
Los mapas serán edificios destruidos, ambientes deteriorados, el espacio. Esto es para adquirir una experiencia única en el momento que la persona esté jugando el juego. Un detalle importante son los escenarios, serán grandes pero interactivos al momento de jugar ya que habrá salas donde el personaje recorra en donde se pueda cubrir en cajas o detrás de paredes, así evitaras que el enemigo te aniquile de manera fácil.
La dificultad cambia dependiendo de que mapa elijas, digamos que entre el nivel de tutoría hay 3 actos de nivel fácil, luego de pasarlos, los siguientes serian intermedio y sucesiva hasta llegar a overkill.
Una parte importante es el tiempo y la vida, en el juego habrá un contratiempo que ira contando el tiempo que le falte al jugador para poder terminar el acto, con las vidas, tendrás una barra de vida que estará dividida en tres celdas, el jugador morirá si llega a tomar 3 golpes. Lo que significa Fin del juego. Podrá reiniciar, pero al inicio del acto actual.
Los enemigos serán

  • Aliens
  • Monstruos Mutantes
  • Soldados enemigos


Ejemplo de Teclado.
A/D: Izquierda y Derecha.
W: Cubrirse en una pared.
S: Cubrirse detrás de una caja o objeto
Barra Espacio: Especial
Clic derecho: Disparar o golpear.
Clic Izquierdo arrojadiza

Musica << >>
Credito de Imagen << >>

Genre: simulator, casual, shooter, virtual reality

Platform: PS VR, oculus rift

Target audience: people who like gun games and want to practice shooting. Older than 18 years old.

Game description: This game is about target shooting with ranged weapons. There will be bows, snipers and handguns. Beware air currents, the weight of the weapon, and the distance of the target will affect the trajectory of the bullet.

-Game modes-

  • Target practice: Your objetive is to try to shoot the target in te middle point to get 100 points. If you shoot far of the middle point, you will get less points. The number of try’s depends of the weapon you choose.

  • BackYard: In this mode their will be a lot of targets (bottles, watermelons, frisbee), your objetive is destroy all that targets. The targets will be in different locations and distances.

I will take reference of the PS MOVE controller.

Motion sensor: move gun
Move button: Aim
X: air current direction, details about the distance of the objetive.
T button: shoot

Genre: Endless runner, Arcade, Multiplayer

Platform: iOS, Android

Audience: People who likes the genre of endless runners with good visuals and gameplay.

Amazing Runners is an endless runner game with single and multiplayer mechanics in which you compite with people online in real time and passing through levels in single player.

In single player the objective is to pass through obstacles in various levels in which you will earn in-game currency to upgrade or buy new characters, you can upgrade your character with abilities such as Higher jump, more stamina or Running faster.

In multiplayer you can play against players to win races but you can’t use your single player in multiplayer, instead you have to level up your multiplayer character so it can be more fair for players who only play MP and not the single player; the abilities stay the same and so the progression system.

El juego incluiría música progresiva a medida que el jugador hace acciones

Platform: IOS, Android, Steam, PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch

Genre: Simulation, Arcade, 3D, Race, Competitive-Online

Target Audience: People who love making paper plane and see how far they fly, people who like to compete in races, lovers of simulation and plan strategies. There is no violence in this game, so its accessible to all ages.

Game Description:

In this game you must control the wind to get your paper plane fly through obstacles and arrive first at the end of the track.

Before the race begins, you will be able to navigate the entire track, and set fans to get your plane paper on track and speed. You will be given different types of fans, like table fans, pedestals fans, roof fans with unique characteristics.

You will have 30 seconds to plan your strategy. And when the race starts, you must throw the paper plane using the mouse, joystiq or virtual joystic for mobile devices into the direction you think would be the best.

When the paper plane is flying you can slightly manipulate its direction.
You won’t be affected by other players fans, but there will be settings for the server owner to do so, also change gravity and others forces to make the game funnier.

Tracks can be different places like shopping malls, schools, parks, offices and beaches. There will be obstacle that you must avoid. Also, those places can be affected by external winds, so be sure to take it in consideration.

By winning races, you will earn points to customize and upgrade your plane and unlocks new fans and tracks.

You can play against the computer, but in case you want you can play online with people around the world and rank to the top of the leader-boards.


Genre: Action, Adventure, Horror, Fantasy, rpg, blood & gore.
Audience: Anyone with a hunger for epic boss fights and high gameplay versatility throughout every playthrough, 18+.
Platforms: Xbox, PC, Ps4, Switch.

Who would’ve thought a fallen angel’s blade would fall into your hands? As crazed as it sounds, you now became the wielder of the Blade of Abbadon, the destroyer blade as they call it in old books is a powerful weapon, and as things go, to create… there is the need to destroy, with your newborn power, fight through the horde of Beings invading the earth and use their very power against them.


  • Introduction
    In Anthropomorphic your main goal is to kill, destroy or banish the various beings ravaging earth, from giant monsters to Devils, from Elder gods to Ancient alien civilizations, earth is being used as the battlegrounds for the end of times, and as one of the last remaining humans, it’s your job to stop it and become the ultimate being in your way.

There are multiple core features in Anthropomorphic, such as:
Power within: Ever since this calamity started people began to realize something, the fewer humans, the stronger the remaining become; This gives the player one of the first gameplay choices, either protect the remaining few, or destroy them and become a godlike being through evil deeds, the main difference between the two is, in one you will have backup if anything happens to go wrong, on the other one, if you happen to make a mistake, it’ll be much more punishing, but the player will be much more powerful.

Blade of Abbadon: This blade is a relic, your individual power is transmutation, this allows for you to harvest your foes guts, skins, organs and parts to shift your blade into a wide variety of uses, but beware, it’s not permanent and you will lose the blade’s base features if you do for the time the transmutation is in use.
There are multiple houses of enemies in Anthropomorphic, amongst them you can find:
Lesser beings: these are the lowest forms in each house, generally weak and not very useful for things other than armor crafting.

Creatures: these are the mid ranged beings inside each house, useful for resource harvesting with transmutation purposes but not so much for armor crafting and such.

Deities: these beings are forms of mass destruction and immense power, they all possess a relic, each relic will award the player with unique modifiers and effects, among them you can find things like the heart of Tarrasque, granting the player a few minutes of all but physical damage immunities on a cooldown reset, things like the wings of lucifer that grant the player the ability to fly, the eye of the Beholder, which grants the ability to control any creature or lesser being for a period of 5 minutes, the list goes on, it’s important to point out the relics occupy one of 5 different slots and the player is only able to use one of each type.

-Crafting: Much like the games name, you engage in Anthropomorphism, utilizing the parts of dead enemies to craft living armors and items, your armors will provide a wide range of abilities depending on the parts of creatures they are made, for example a helmet made from the skull of a mindflayer the scales of a wyvern and a hood made of the robes of a Nazgul will grant the player one ability from each, and of course, the grim sense of humor of the mindflayer to accompany through your travels, as he helps you by letting you know about the multiple inferior beings surrounding you, and jabbering about how insulting it is to be confined within a helmet.


As crazed as it sounds, the world isn’t quite “destroyed” as it seems, since the multiple houses of beings have wonderfully stablished across the globe, raising massive structures and morphing the landscape to their liking, few parts are left that look humane or earth-like, but the view is most certainly stunning, if you take away the hordes of ghouls running through the fields and the flesh eating giant demons hunting anything that breathes and tearing it apart limb by limb.

The player interacts in multiple ways with the world, things like crashing a tower above such demons to see them fall to the ground as you raise your wings and create a beam of destruction with your Ancient-alien tech infused Abbadon blade to vanquish the creature to the depths of the Tartarus are most certainly a possibility.

The music of the game aims to be epic and empowering towards the player.
Composer: John williams
Composer: Motoi Sakuraba
Composer: Monolord

Overall Anthropomorphic is a game where you decide what you will be, how you will look like and how you will kill your enemies, either by guttering them into multiple pieces, or by raining heavenly beams of light from the skies, versatility and the sense that your character is what you would actually be inside a world like that is what the game aims to achieve the most.
Image credit goes to: unknown artist, pinterest.

Genre: Rhythm game, 3rd Person, Action, Hack and Slash

Audience: Target audience would be those who look for a deferent thing in a hack and slash other than that of just beating up enemies and offers something different with a semi "open world", with an age range from 13 to 25.

Platform: PC, PS4, XBOX One

Game Description:

This is some of the ideas for the game and may not be that fleshed out or completed.

Main gameplay concept

The main gameplay concept that I intend this game to have, is that the player not only controls the combat aspects of the game but that through his actions the music reacts to the player in a similar way DOOM does. For Example: as the player uses attacks and makes the hit counter higher, makes the music be more frenetic and adding certain sound effects depending on how the player takes out his enemies.

Main character Idea

The main character would be blind as he, before being blind, was an adept musician with an amazingly developed sense of hearing and could find musicality in almost everything, when he became blinded making his sense of hearing stronger, even though during the era he lived in they could restore his eye sight enough so he could see at least 1 meter in front of him he prefers to use a headband around his eyes to take advantage of his enhanced sense of hearing ( only uses his eyes when he wants to download more music) he uses a pair of headphones around his neck which play the music that he uses to use some sort of echolocation that lets him see things in detail even if it’s only through sound. He learns different martial arts and learns to use weapons such as swords daggers etc.

Interactions: player/ character

Because the player haves a camera style that is in 3rd person behind the character, the player does not see like the character does, the player can use the Main characters acute senses to detect enemies and to see attacks coming from blind spots to be able to counter them. The player also has somewhat of a searching mode in which the player uses sound to hear peoples conversations from a distance to collect information to enter certain areas or get certain codes to move forward.


Combat is composed of a somewhat simple scheme (explain more in depth in the following points) which involves: light, medium, and heavy attacks, each adding variety to the actions the player can choose and also to how the music is affected, and in addition a counter and some evasive Maneuvers.

  • Light attacks (Square): consist of a series of fast and low damaging attacks which mostly are conformed by kicks and punches and some uses of the weapon the character currently is using, which are used to more efficiently link medium and heavy attacks.

  • Medium Attacks (Triangle) : this are not as fast as light attacks and a little bit more damaging consist of attacks that brief stun enemies, which mostly are weapon attacks and hilt strikes, for larger strings of attacks and lead into more light attacks or heavy attacks.

  • Heavy Attacks (Circle): Heavy Attacks are mainly used as Launchers which are used to send enemies flying to start an air string or to push enemies into one another which leaves them in a state of very brief stun that can be used to extend string of hits.

  • Dodging (R1): dodging gives the player more options to move around during combat and lets the player evade attacks, if you press the jump button (X) you can vault over enemies.

  • Counter (R2): lets you counter attacks and incapacitate enemies but does not let you eliminate them.

Music Interactions

Music starts with melodies and some other arrangements and, as combat progresses the music starts becoming more complex as well as the arrangements and melodies that are played.


Exploration is conducted when not in combat in which you can still "jump", "run", etc... While "exploring" you have access to "Sense mode" which lets you hear information and helps you find key objects to continue.

  • Sense mode (L1): could be compared to the "detective mode" of" Batman Arkham" series but it has more limited uses, which are related to the condition of the main character, for example if someone is talking on the other side of the wall the player will not be able to see him, instead there will be a visual cue of were the sound is coming from.

  • Jumping (X): jumping while exploring helps you get up certain terrain and climb some buildings if you so choose to.

Game progression: game would progress with a linear story with some side stuff to do if you so choose to do so.

Graphical style:

I was thinking on making the graphical style taking reference from "Critica Online´s" art style but without the self-shading and less cartoonish.

Music: will be conformed of heavy rock, and electronic music, and some metal, because they can be calmed as well as fast paced and have a lot of accessibility when applying certain changes to structure.