Submissions by Ivan.Gonzalez tagged competitive

Género: Casual, 2D, Velocidad, Competencia

Plataforma: IOS, Android

Audiencia: Niños, adolescentes y adultos que deseen tener un juego para pasatiempo. Amantes de competencias y juegos de presionar solo un botón. Amantes de los gatos o animales tiernos.

Descripción del Juego:

Este es un juego únicamente competitivo que busca que sus jugadores tengan un desafío rápido y sencillo.

La situación es sencilla, eres un gato y debes desenrollar los papeles higiénicos, bolas de estambre o cables antes que el jugador rival.

El juego únicamente usa un simple toque de pantalla para desenrollar, por lo tanto, debes tocar la pantalla lo más rápido posible, para terminar más pronto.

Estarás siendo vigilado en algunos momentos por tus dueños humanos, y en esos momentos debes parar de desenrollar, ya que, si ellos te atrapan en la travesura, perderás inmediatamente.

Ganara el jugador que termine primero de desenrollar su artículo.

Se podrá jugar en modo online, conectando con personas o amigos en la red, o se puede jugar por pantalla dividida donde cada jugador tomará un extremo del dispositivo móvil.

Al ganar podrás obtener artículos para poder personalizar la apariencia, pose, color y hasta la forma de maullar de tu gato.

La música comenzara a sonar dependiendo de la velocidad a la que toques la pantalla.

Platform: IOS, Android, Steam, PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch

Genre: Simulation, Arcade, 3D, Race, Competitive-Online

Target Audience: People who love making paper plane and see how far they fly, people who like to compete in races, lovers of simulation and plan strategies. There is no violence in this game, so its accessible to all ages.

Game Description:

In this game you must control the wind to get your paper plane fly through obstacles and arrive first at the end of the track.

Before the race begins, you will be able to navigate the entire track, and set fans to get your plane paper on track and speed. You will be given different types of fans, like table fans, pedestals fans, roof fans with unique characteristics.

You will have 30 seconds to plan your strategy. And when the race starts, you must throw the paper plane using the mouse, joystiq or virtual joystic for mobile devices into the direction you think would be the best.

When the paper plane is flying you can slightly manipulate its direction.
You won’t be affected by other players fans, but there will be settings for the server owner to do so, also change gravity and others forces to make the game funnier.

Tracks can be different places like shopping malls, schools, parks, offices and beaches. There will be obstacle that you must avoid. Also, those places can be affected by external winds, so be sure to take it in consideration.

By winning races, you will earn points to customize and upgrade your plane and unlocks new fans and tracks.

You can play against the computer, but in case you want you can play online with people around the world and rank to the top of the leader-boards.


Genre: 3D, Competitive, Online, Sport

Platform: IOS, Android

Target Audience: Competitive players that wants to prove themselves as the best, high-point lovers, people who want to play with friends.

Game Description:
You must prove yourself as the best cowboy of the town, and to do this, you must compete with other people who also try to be the best.

In this online mobile game, you must go on a series of rodeos and while riding a horse, you must rope the higher count of bulls.

While you are trying to catch the bulls, your rival will be also on the stage competing with you.

You will be riding a horse that you can control using the virtual joystiq, then you can swipe on the screen to move the camera around. When you are ready to rope, you must tap on the action button.

If you fail to catch a bull you must recover the rope and you will lose some valuable seconds.

Every session last 3 minutes, and at the end of each one you must have catch more bulls than your opponent to win and earn reputation points.

If you lose, you will lose reputation points and you will be going down the leader-boards.

Music :