Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
Genre: Rhythm game, 3rd Person, Action, Hack and Slash
Audience: Target audience would be those who look for a deferent thing in a hack and slash other than that of just beating up enemies and offers something different with a semi "open world", with an age range from 13 to 25.
Platform: PC, PS4, XBOX One
Game Description:
This is some of the ideas for the game and may not be that fleshed out or completed.
Main gameplay concept
The main gameplay concept that I intend this game to have, is that the player not only controls the combat aspects of the game but that through his actions the music reacts to the player in a similar way DOOM does. For Example: as the player uses attacks and makes the hit counter higher, makes the music be more frenetic and adding certain sound effects depending on how the player takes out his enemies.
Main character Idea
The main character would be blind as he, before being blind, was an adept musician with an amazingly developed sense of hearing and could find musicality in almost everything, when he became blinded making his sense of hearing stronger, even though during the era he lived in they could restore his eye sight enough so he could see at least 1 meter in front of him he prefers to use a headband around his eyes to take advantage of his enhanced sense of hearing ( only uses his eyes when he wants to download more music) he uses a pair of headphones around his neck which play the music that he uses to use some sort of echolocation that lets him see things in detail even if it’s only through sound. He learns different martial arts and learns to use weapons such as swords daggers etc.
Interactions: player/ character
Because the player haves a camera style that is in 3rd person behind the character, the player does not see like the character does, the player can use the Main characters acute senses to detect enemies and to see attacks coming from blind spots to be able to counter them. The player also has somewhat of a searching mode in which the player uses sound to hear peoples conversations from a distance to collect information to enter certain areas or get certain codes to move forward.
Combat is composed of a somewhat simple scheme (explain more in depth in the following points) which involves: light, medium, and heavy attacks, each adding variety to the actions the player can choose and also to how the music is affected, and in addition a counter and some evasive Maneuvers.
Light attacks (Square): consist of a series of fast and low damaging attacks which mostly are conformed by kicks and punches and some uses of the weapon the character currently is using, which are used to more efficiently link medium and heavy attacks.
Medium Attacks (Triangle) : this are not as fast as light attacks and a little bit more damaging consist of attacks that brief stun enemies, which mostly are weapon attacks and hilt strikes, for larger strings of attacks and lead into more light attacks or heavy attacks.
Heavy Attacks (Circle): Heavy Attacks are mainly used as Launchers which are used to send enemies flying to start an air string or to push enemies into one another which leaves them in a state of very brief stun that can be used to extend string of hits.
Dodging (R1): dodging gives the player more options to move around during combat and lets the player evade attacks, if you press the jump button (X) you can vault over enemies.
Counter (R2): lets you counter attacks and incapacitate enemies but does not let you eliminate them.
Music Interactions
Music starts with melodies and some other arrangements and, as combat progresses the music starts becoming more complex as well as the arrangements and melodies that are played.
Exploration is conducted when not in combat in which you can still "jump", "run", etc... While "exploring" you have access to "Sense mode" which lets you hear information and helps you find key objects to continue.
Sense mode (L1): could be compared to the "detective mode" of" Batman Arkham" series but it has more limited uses, which are related to the condition of the main character, for example if someone is talking on the other side of the wall the player will not be able to see him, instead there will be a visual cue of were the sound is coming from.
Jumping (X): jumping while exploring helps you get up certain terrain and climb some buildings if you so choose to.
Game progression: game would progress with a linear story with some side stuff to do if you so choose to do so.
Graphical style:
I was thinking on making the graphical style taking reference from "Critica Online´s" art style but without the self-shading and less cartoonish.
Music: will be conformed of heavy rock, and electronic music, and some metal, because they can be calmed as well as fast paced and have a lot of accessibility when applying certain changes to structure.
Genre: Horror, Blood and Gore, Suspense, Survival, Psychologic
Platform: PC, Xbox One, PS4
Audience: The game is directed to the audience in search for a survival experience with paranormal and supernatural elements. With an expected age rate from 18 to 20 years of age.
Game description
Hi... my name is Raymond, friends used to call me "Ray"... I was that guy of the group, the one that tried to stop the group from doing things they might regret... but this one time... this one god dammed time, I agreed to do something I regret from that day... There was this legend, I wish it was just a legend, of this family. And trust me you wouldn’t believe the messed up shit that we found there, this "family" were a group of cultist that worshipped some kind of demon... and they, they made a ritual and we were the offering... but we were not chased by them... we were being chased by "it"... and "it" wanted us all dead, "swallows down saliva in a heavy fashion". I saw all my friends die, and "it"... just laughing and smiling taunting me, as the fucker looked at me with its empty eyes. That thing took the form of a girl I had seen in one of my nightmares, long black hair, a white dress and a smile so wide it went from cheek to cheek across her face, and stared at me with black and empty eyes, the nightmare always ended when blood came out of her eyes and her mouth... I could feel her, I could sense her... I can’t explain but it seemed as if we were connected, as if we were one and the same... “Pauses briefly and looks towards the interviewer and smiles, with black empty eyes."
The amulet haves three abilities apply to other spirits:
Sight: reveals to you for a period for time "the presence" location and potential hiding spots for you, the presence will become more aggressive while it is active.
detect: it does kind of a beeping sound audible by the player and "the presence", "the presence" will try to find the source of the sound.
possession: the amulet is a cursed object even if you give it a different purpose, the more you use it the more "the presence" can distort reality for you. Making you lose your way or try to make ambushes to get to you.
No Combat Mechanic
Our cannot defend yourself from the presence, you are able to fend it off or hide from it
If "the presence" catches or finds you.... you are going to die.
you also need to take into consideration the other spirits that are on the cultist hide out, most of them will try to kill you but. There are others willing to help you for you not to suffer the same fate as them.
Move (right joystick)
Look around (left joystick): the camera of the game is in first person which will let you have a better experience of the game.
Crouch (circle): you are able to crouch to produce less sound in order to remain hidden and more difficult to be detected by "the presence".
Run (R3)
use amulet power (L1)
Change Amulet Power (L2)
Interact (Square)
Use consumable (R1)
Change consumable (R2): Because the other spirits don’t out right kill you like "the presence" you can use medicine to heal yourself.
Vault (X): Vaulting makes notice but it is useful when there are obstacles in the way and the presence or another spirit is chasing you.
Backpack (Triangle): because you came with a light backpack which leaves you with limited inventory you can manage inventory in this screen, but this does not pause the game, and leaves you vulnerable.
Music would use a lot of infrasounds to keep the player on edge and backround sound like spectral screams and the sounds "the presence" emits at a distance.
Art style
a realistic style of art and modeling such as the current games in the market.
Genre: Stealth, Blood and Gore, Action.
Audience: the game is targeted to those people that like to methodically approach a situation and like stealth based games that let until certain extent flexibility with a player’s playstyle. The age range for the audience is between 13 to 20 years of age.
Platform: PC, PS4, XBOX One
Game description:
"You must be the new rookie, nice meeting you, my name is Jim. People call me gut because of the scar in my stomach after being shot, from 1 meter by a low caliber rifle, but we are not here to talk about me... I’m here to talk about my old pal Jack, but he is most known as "The Reaper". I was a member of his unit, he was our infiltration specialist, I never saw him carrying a rifle always went out with his knife and his silenced 9m, everything A.OK until Jack went home... that day something broke in him that little piece of humanity simply vanished, his interrogation techniques were just questionable and brutal, but the bastard sure knew how to get information out. It almost always ended up killing them except for a few exceptions, and all had something in common... al had families to feed and needed the money. His combat efficiency was unquestionable we almost never saw action for a couple of months, the man entered and exited the buildings alone covered from head to toe in blood and the views he left inside were nothing but gruesome scenes that even got to the most tough of us. But you must wander what made such a radical change on a man... well you would be surprised what 700 Kilos of napalm and C4 can do to a man... they dropped it in his house... on top of his Wife and only Daughter, that day up to the end of the month 40 murders occurred... he infiltrated a Drug organization and killed every single member without exceptions and killed the ones who made the bomb drop, and among those members were members of the government of our nation, go figure... he came back with bloody hands and the hard evidence to earn him a medal and his freedom, the bastard had all his angles covered "laughs sarcastically", but you know he was given recognition from one of the most powerful organization and they liked the no witnesses style he had and is now his those people little toy, but he knows that he missed one mark... one mark he is still hunting, and when he gets to him. Oh let me tell you hell will seem like paradise.
During the whole duration of the game you will play as jack, which specializes in infiltration, and you are only armed with a silenced 9mm pistol and your knife. In order to progress through the game you must complete the missions given to you throughout the different levels, the main gameplay mechanic is stealth. The way stealth works is by using the shadows dark corners and cover to remain hidden from the enemy and taking them out one by one, to get information, passwords and other things to keep opening the level up so you can keep moving forward.
Movement and other mechanics:
Moving the character (left joystick): you will be able to move the character in the direction you move the joystick, you walk without the use of the run button (L1)
Running (L1): while this button is pressed, you can run which result in faster movement but much louder sound.
Jumping (X): Jumping will let you climb certain surfaces and will let you vault over cover, and if you vault over cover while there is an enemy on the other side you stab and kill him and take cover on the other side, this type of kills are fast but at the cost of making noise.
shoot ( R2 ): sometimes you can’t avoid a gunfight, but having a 9mm gun lets you shoot at enemies, more effective shots are to the head, heart and neck, shots to the neck are more brutal but in turn makes the enemy affected make noise.
Aim/Look (L2): when you have your gun equipped you can aim to then shoot, If you don’t have the gun equipped you can look out of corners and over cover.
Equip Gun / knife (Triangle): you can equip and unequip the knife and your gun. Letting you change depending on what you need.
Execute/ Melee attack (square): The execute action is available while you have not been seen and can surprise an enemy to kill him, and the melee attack is used when you are detected and need to take out that enemy before he alerts the others.
Look at the map ( R1 ): because I want the player to use stealth and mechanics inside the game such as sound, and light ( because the amount of light limit how many places you can use shadows to hide in) the mini map will not be displayed on until the player uses this action, it will be displayed on the HUD of the player when the character activates a device he haves and fiscally looks at it , in the case the player is hiding and decides to check the minimap the device will emit a light visible by enemies that can make the player be detected.
Move camera (right Joystick): because the camera is positioned behind the back of the character you can move the right joystick to better position your camera.
Music will be mostly ambient and remain silent or almost unnoticeable while moving stealth fully during missions, but it will be frenetic and tense during the times the player has been detected or in a gunfight.
Sound design
the sound design will have a lot of focus on the sound that enemies make while walking speaking so the player can hear them and somewhat tell where they are, so the player doesn’t depend that much on his mini-map.
Graphical Style
The graphical style would use 3-D characters and environments and be like "Splinter Cell - Black List".
Genre: Rhythm, Action, Blood and Gore
Audience: The game is targeted for a mobile audience which is in search of a fast and quick way to have fun killing zombies in a gruesome fashion while hearing to different genres of music; main target audience is from an age range of 10 to 18.
Platform: iOS, Android
Game Description:
The premise of the game is simple, you can select from a variety of music genres and you kill zombies according to the rhythm of the songs.
The way the game uses the music is: that the zombies get closer to you, and with the rhythm of the music you hit or slash at them with a weapon of the player’s choice. When a certain amount of combo kills is reached the character does a gruesome kill on the next zombie it kills. The weapons the player can use vary form: pipes, crowbars, katanas, steel knuckles, or even your bare hands if the player so chooses to.
Your name is razor, a certified zombie killing machine, you are a dj with a military background that preferred to enter the battlefield without protective gear and hearing music with headphones. You were put out of service, due to you provoking the death of one of your partners. The only thing that could remember you of the chaos of the battlefield was the music you made and mixed to keep your mind occupied. Until the zombie apocalypse striked while you were the dj of a party and remembering those days in the army. As you noticed that zombies were overrunning the building, you only placed a wide smile on your face, put on your headphones an cranked the volume up and picked what was near to you and jumped towards the horde.
The music genres will vary from: Electronic, Dubstep, Metal (melodic), Speed Metal, Trap electronic, to mention a few
Graphical style:
I was thinking on using a pixel art graphical style, but I’m thinking that a cartoonish art style would fit in too due to the farfetched scenario the game takes place.
the zombies come from four different lanes and you have to tap the lane the zombie is coming from when it is at a certain distance of you.
Genre: party game, battle royale
Platform: PC, XBOX One, PS4
Audience: the target audience for this product are people looking for a round of quick fun and some mayhem, and those that like free for all type fighting games.
Game description
Main gameplay idea:
The main gameplay idea for this streak is that four players battle it out in an effort to not be pushed into the “VOID" (concept will be explained further into the streak) and the last player or team left standing wins the game.
The "VOID"
This is one of the main mechanic which the game revolves around, the "VOID" is the way in which you take out other players from the game in other to win. The way in which the "VOID" works is that if a player gets thrown or gets too close to it, the player gets absorbed by the "VOID" and is eliminated, or in case he still haves stocks/ lives left he loses one of them. The "VOID" grows in size as the game progresses, making it harder to stay alive and starts draining the life of the players around it.
Classes will be divided in three categories, Light, Medium, and Heavy.
Light: have high movement speed and somewhat low attack stats, they depend on outmaneuvering your opponents and maintaining a certain distance and divide in three which are: Archer, Assassin, and reaper
Archer: specializes in long range combat using his/her bow launching
Projectiles, with a probability of giving status effects (will be further explained
In status effect in the Mechanics Section) and uses a dagger for close combat
Assassin: Specializes in mid ranged combat using throwing daggers to keep
Enemies at a distance and slashes with his daggers in close combat.
Reaper: uses his scythe to pull in enemies to attack them with quick
and swift strikes and recover a percentage of your life when
Hitting an enemy player and can be able to dodge enemy attacks.
Medium: they are a very balanced class which can be played aggressively or defensively.
Sword master: the sword master uses swift sword strikes to inflict damage, and can move swiftly through the arena and deal damage.
Paladin: Uses a shield and a long sword, and uses the mechanic of "armor generation" which with each 4 successful hits you get one armor. Which blocks one hit.
Shadow Walker: the shadow walker uses a dark VOID energy sword which shoots mid-range projectiles and uses runes to teleport around a short distance.
Heavy: these is a heavy armored and a very resistant class which focuses on controlling engagements and use crowd control to make more difficult to maneuver around them.
Shielded: uses its two shields to charge towards the player and use crowd control effects to take the advantage.
great swordsman: although he is really slow packs a solid punch at the cost of some speed, can dash short distances to close the gap between him and his enemy and grab him to throw a short distance.
Characters will have three special abilities, one for offensive uses, one passive, and one for mobility purposes, this two abilities must be used to outmaneuver your opponent and deliver blows to lower their life points and consequently send them to the VOID.
As the main focus of the combat is to send your enemies to the ever growing VOID in the middle of the stage, in order to do that you will have to use light attacks and strong attacks to inflict damage to your opponents that vary for each character as well as their abilities.
The life is represented by a life bar which will decrease when receiving damage from enemy attacks and when it reaches cero instead of dying you enter a dizzy state, which makes easier just to pick you up and throw you into the VOID
when pressing at the same time the light and strong attack buttons you can grab your opponents and be able to throw them a short distance (Heavy class characters have a more powerful throw to their strength and light classes having the weakest one)
Some debuffs would be:
Visual style
The visual style would be with an animated kind of design such as that skull girls only that a little less cartoony, or pixel art to make it more simple, for the pixel art reference could use "Crawl" or maybe "Duelyst".
The music would be fast paced music to match the combat in the game with some electronic and electric guitar pieces to complement.
Audience: people who like party card games and to have quick fun. ages would range from 13 to 20.
platform: board game
genre: card game
game description:
the description will be something pretty general, like a minimal product of the game.
Card slingers consists in in two players battling by the use of different creatures, and monsters and spell cards to aiding battle.
both players will share the same deck and will have to think ahead of their opponent in order to limit their opponent’s resources and possible moves, on special characteristic of the mosters is that when killed or tributed they can search other monsters or card that shares their name, which in turn makes important to have the optimal strategy in other to hinder or to respond to an opponent’s action.
monsters are divided in two categories
tribute and convoked
*tribute are the smallest monsters which have effects of different kinds and let you set up the summon of a Convoked.
*Convoked are monsters that are summoned by using as sacrifice a certain number of tribute monsters on your side of the board
you win by taking away all the HP of your opponent.
Genre: adventure, narration, plataforming
Target Audience: the main narrative is aimed to the age of 13 too 35 years of age, but it can be expanded by doing market studies .
Plataform: PC
Game details:
Story: The story of the game starts with our prtagonist called Selena wich founds a box, that when openned teleports her to another world in wich she must tackle her emotional and mental afflictions for her to be able to close the box, once more.
Gameplay: the gamplay of Ethereal box would b divided in two parts; the first one is exploring and the second one plataforming.
Exploring: the exploring component of the game is composed of the simple action of discovering new sections of the world arround you to be able to progress.
Pataforming: plataforming forms part of exploring because plataforming is involved every step of the way throughout the whole game.
Music: the music of the game would be composed by musical pieces that would provide ambientation and in a certain way relaxing tunes in the overworld sections and while exploring, music thet provides according atmosphere for each section.
difficulty: the difficulty of the plataforming sections will scale by each of the sections that are explorable throughout the game, one being more difficult to traverse than the other.
Relic Hubters
Game pieces
How to start
At the start of every game the monster card deck must be shuffled and the to go first is determined by wich player gets the highest result by throwing the white dice. in case of a draw the dice is thrown again by both players until sombody gets a higher number than the other.
How do dice work
-What does each dice mean:
--White Dice: this dice is the amount of spaces that you can move. Also determines wich kind of monster you can set.
-- Red Dice: This dice means the amount of attack you currently have ( does not stack, unless you use more than one red dice , which means for example: if a player rolls a six and the next turn rolls a four he does not have ten attack, instead haves the amount the you rolled that turn. )
-- Green Dice: The Green Dice represents the amount of armor you have ( does not stack, unless you use more then one green dice, for example: if A player rolls a three and next turn rolls a five you will not have eight armor but rather the amount you rolled that turn)
First and second turn
-The Player that goes first draws three cards in his first turn and gets to move first
whithout the ability to set monsters face down on the oponent's side of the board. The second player's first turn, draws a card and can move and set monsters in the opnent`s side of the board.
Third turn and onward
-The third and the turns that come after are played normally, wich means every
player draws a card at the start of their turn and can set face down one monster per turn.
Setting monsters
Monsters are always set face down on any space of the oponent's side of the board with the exception of the relic , monsters which are not boss monsters ( explained in next point of the section ) can be set one per turn face down on any space of the oponent's side of the board, this monsters are particularly weak and can be placed by rolling any number of the white dice.
-- setting boss monsters: "boss monsters" can only be set faced down if you roll with the withe dice more than four, this kind of monster is stronger than "normal monsters", and haves more "attack" and "armor" wich makes them tough to take out.
Battling monsters
A battle starts once you land on a space and in front of you there is a monster card set ( before enetring combat you mus check if there is a Board buff below the card because if gives extra stats to the monster.
Monsters consist of two base stats wich the player also haves and aquires whit each roll of the dice each turn ( red dice, and green dice propper use is stated on the second section of the rules) and the way battles work is "( atk ( attack ) "decreases amr(armor) ). the monster, the player is battling and the monster itself take damage at the same time wich means the player does not attack first neither the monster simply, you apply the" ( atck decreases armor)". If the armor of a monster reaches cero it is destroyed and sent to the "discard pile"
monster deck and discar pile
The monster deck is composed of four-teen normal monsters and six boss monsters ( each vary in strenght ), The discard pile is where monsters go after being defeated.
In case the deck runs out of cards the discard pile is shuffled and becomes the new monster deck.
Board buffs
The board possesses diferent spaces whitin both paths for each player that grant buffs to the monster tha is on them as well to the player that lands on them they vary fom giving more attack and defense to decreasing such stats.
Have fun Relic Hunting
Genre: adventure, hack and slash
Audience: main target audience are teens towards young adults
Game description: the game itself consists of a war in the far future in which the warriors are trained in ancient ways of sword combat, with each warrior giving it they're own twist and they're own fighting styles, being the main character who chose the samurai art of swordsmanship, and uses a medium class mech and uses a katana as weapon o choice .
Synopsis: fight mechs in an all out war against the coalition of United sectors, fighting using various styles of swordsmanship and take control of the main character sylus which will have to fight for the survival of his sector and the fate of an entire solar system and beyond.
Game mechanics:
-offensive habilities
........ Light attack button: the light attack button lets you execute fast yet low damaging attack to the enemies armor, The combo chain can be changed by adding small delays between certain hits in the combo string.
........ Heavy attack button: the heavy attacks are strong and can cause heavy damage to the enemies armor but are slow and cannot be canceled by dashing or dodging, which means it's a high risk, high reward move, they are better used in the middle of a combo string when your enemy is affected by hit stun. Heavy attacks are conformed by launchers, stuns and armor pen attacks.
...... Dashing: dashing being a mobility move can give brief invencibility to be able to dodge certain attacks, can be used to cancel light attacks if you feel you are not well positioned and to evade enemy attacks while they are immune to hit stun attacks: energy attacks are powerful attacks that can launch, stun, and increase damage of heavy attacks, and are cancelable by dashing.
Music : music would be composed by electronic ambient all music to reflect the futuristic era the game is set in.
Art style: the art style of the game would take an anime with a little of cartoon influences to make the mechs more eye catching.
Género: Aventura, Plataformer
Audiencia: la audiencia a la que dirigido el juego seria de personas de 10 a 20 o 25 años que les gustan los juegos Plataformers con historia
Plataforma: Switch, PC, XBOX One, PS4
Descripción del juego:
Historia: Un niño llamado Shaun tiene una hermana que está enferma y Shaun había escuchado sobre una leyenda llamada “La Estrella Caída" la cual relataba acerca sobre una estrella la cual poseía extraños poderes, que cayó sobre la cúspide de una montaña la cual se consideraba maldecida por los dioses de su pueblo. Pero la depuración lo llevo a tomar la decisión de escalar la montaña para obtener la estrella y su poder para poder sanar a su hermana.
Jugabilidad: el juego al inicio constaría de simples mecánicas tales como: un salto sencillo, doble salto, y un dash el cual le dará al jugador un poco más de movimiento horizontal para poder saltar por encima de precipicios más largos.
Habilidades extra: Shaun adquirirá habilidades de la estrella a medida que el jugador avance por el juego, como por ejemplo: una habilidad que le permitirá flotar, otra la cual le permitiría lanzar un gancho de luz para poder trepar con más facilidad, y poder saltar por los muros. Cada habilidad nueva que consiga el jugador más secciones de la montaña podrá explorar.
genre: tap game
Plataform: IOS, Adroid
Audience: 6 and above
game description: the game consistsin tapping the screen so an object can be flipped arround the screen and increase the height it is at, without it being destroyed by the enviroment, the object can also bounce on walls wich alter its trayectory making it important for the player to measure the height at wich the object hits the walls. the game would contain a diferent variety of dificulties in wich the amout of obstacles would increas to make progress harder and more challenging.
Rewards. the rewards would be different skins for the object and some could make the game more difficult if the player so desires.
Main mechanic: the principal mechanic of this game is the simple action of the player tapping the screen for the object to move in a vertical way (upwards) , but for it to move past obstacles and to move horizontally the player must tap and swipe the screen for it to start moving side to side so the object can evade obstacles coming from the top and bottom of the screen.
Secondary mechanics: power ups could make the game eqsier but some of thos items place negative effects on the player for example a debuff that makes the object heavier and more difficult to manuever and on the opposite side of the spectrum it could slow time and give you more time to decide how to move the object.
Género: Hack and Slash/ Aventura/ 2D
Audiencia: La audiencia a la que está dirigida "El Guitarrista Solitario" seria a un público adolescente o joven adulto en los rangos de 13 a 20 años de edad, más investigación del género y de la demográfica será necesario para poder hacer ajustes a la historia y el diseño de los personajes para abarcar mas audiencia.
Plataforma: XboxOne, PS4, Switch
(Los controles serán explicados en el mando DualShock de PS4 ya que es el control con el que estoy más familiarizado.)
Descripción del juego
protagonista ( personaje principal ): Gabriel es el personaje principal del juego y es un Guitarrista que perdió a su esposa a manos del rey, el cual la tomo como su prometida por la fuerza dejando a Gabriel por muerto en el bosque, donde despierta toma su guitarra. La cual fue infundida con una magia oscura, y le da a Gabriel poderes sobrenaturales, que le permitían controlar las sombras de noche y manipular el viento de día. Gabriel se prometió a si mismo salvar a su esposa y retomar el "Sol Santo"(nombre del lugar donde vive) para liberarlo de la tiranía del rey "Cruces"
Personajes principales
......Gabriel (protagonista)
......María (Esposa de Gabriel)
...... Rey Cruces (antagonista)
......General Marco (líder de la creciente rebelión en contra de Cruces, principal fuente de las misiones para progresar la historia)
_ Personajes Secundarios
......Ricardo (acompañante de Gabriel): Gabriel lo conoció al despertar en el bosque y es el que ha ayudado a Gabriel a entender sus nuevas habilidades. )
......Vendedores (principal fuente de recursos y de información)
......NPC's (principal fuente de interacción y de misiones para progresar la historia.
Opciones ofensivas.
Cuadro: golpe débil
Triangulo: golpe medio
Circulo: Golpe fuerte (este tipo de ataque será el que utiliza las habilidades recién adquiridas de Gabriel para extender combos y por consecuente el daño que causa)
Botón X: este es boton el que le permite saltar al personaje . El personaje posee un doble salto y puede saltar una tercera vez para elevar más a su objetivo y extender el combo.
Flechas direccionales o Joystick: principal forma de mover al personaje
R1: Esquivar (se puede usar para esquivar ataques o cerrar la distancia entre tu enemigo y tú para poder continuar un combo)
R2: Magia (este medidor disminuye a medida que se use y lo fuerte que sean las habilidades que se usen)
L1: Bloqueo (a pesar de que se bloquee un ataque aun asi se toma un porcentaje del daño recibido. Lo cual impulsa al jugador a aprender los patrones de ataque y aprender a moverse más fluidamente durante las peleas. )
L2: Agarre ( este movimiento permite como lo dice su nombre agarrar a los enemigos dándole acceso al jugador a diferentes tipos de ejecuciones la cual les pueden dar vida, mana, y drops de mejores objetos. Durante las ejecuciones Gabriel es vulnerable y recibe más daño por lo cual lo considero como último recurso o para acabar al último enemigo en la pantalla. Es de alto riesgo y alta recompensa. )
Menú de opciones
Opciones; abre el menú de pausa otra ves del cual se navega con el Joystick con las Flechas direccionales. Dentro de las opciones del menú están el guardar la partida, cerrar el juego, y cambiar la configuración de los ajustes del juego como por ejemplo: volumen de los efectos, volumen de la música, entre otras.
Estilo de Arte
Para el estilo de Arte estaba pensando en algo hecho con pixelart con fondos 3D para los escenarios darle más personalidad al juego, con colores vividos y tonos oscuros para contrastar en primer lugar la progresión de Gabriel como personaje atraves de la historia y la cultura de Sol Santo.
La Música estaría principalmente compuesta por piezas de guitarra clásica y guitarra española tocadas en diferentes estilos para darle más sentimiento a ciertas partes del juego y durante las peleas que se escuchen piezas por poner un ejemplo con estilo flamenco debido a la velocidad de la música y lo intensas que pueden llegar a ser las peleas.
-Combos: los combos se forman combinando golpes débiles, medios, y fuertes para hacer la cadena de golpes más larga posible lo que a su vez se traduce en más daño. Y se pueden introducir en los combos movimientos que usen magia que reúnan a los enemigos y los junten haciendo más fácil eliminarlos.
Magia: La Magia Que usa Gabriel no son hechizos convencionales sino que usa las sombras al igual que el viento para poder hacer ataques en área y especializados para poder acabar con enemigos más rápido y estos ataques causan que los enemigos suelten vida si son eliminados por el uso de la magia.
Créditos de imagen usada
(Algún dia le hago el arte :v)
Genre: puzzle solving, lone protagonist, psychological horror.
Platform: XBOX One, PS4, PC
Game description: The title of the game "Meltdown", goes in two senses.
one, would be on the sense of the occupation of the protagonist which is an "important" position in a power plant which enters a meltdown state, and second would be because all employees end up dead because of the accident except the protagonist and a so called management assistant which name is "Elisa".
Game Mechanics
Fiscal Health: Fiscal health represents stamina, Health (or hit points).
Mental Health: Mental Health Represents in certain way tells the player the psychological state of the main character which will affect the difficulty of puzzles progressively and the ability to be able to move around the environment hindering the ability and rationality of the protagonist. Which will make him star to see things and hear things and make certain puzzles harder to make due to the interactions with Elisa in order to solve the puzzle.
Managing fiscal and mental and fiscal health: The management of Fiscal Health will be through medical kits and different types of painkillers and injections.
Mental health would be through certain supplements which moderate the different supplements with different strengths and the more powerful the supplement the more side effects it will have.
plataforma: IOS, Android
genero: juego de ritmo ( mas o menos)
audiencia: 6+
Descripcion del juego: Tommy olvido hacer su tarea y el jugador tiene que tocar la pantalla de forma semi ritmica debido a que si lo hace muy lento Tomy no lograra terminarla antes de que el bus llegue, y si lo haces muy rápido la tarea quedara mal echa, así que tienes que hacerlo con la velocidad adecuada para que la tarea de tomy quede decentemente echa para pasar la materia, después de terminar la tarea de tomy, ahora tendrá que correr hasta la estación del bus para llegar a la escuela, en esta sección tendrás que tocar la pantalla para que los pies de tomy se muevan en esta mientras se esquivan diferentes obstáculos, en esta sección la velocidad es crucial para completar la sección. despues de llegar a la parada tomy tendra que perseguir el autobus hasta la escuela y luego apresurarse a su clase para entregar la tarea en un limite de tiempo.
Genre: Hack and slash, Adventure, 3D.
Target Audience: 13+ focused on the market of those people who like games such as “Devil may cry", "Bayonet", etc.
Platform: (Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS4)
Game Description.
-Story: Jack a former assassin has been captured and handicapped with a remotes activated cell of venom implanted into his heart, which lets the heart beat in a normal way but when triggered releases a lethal dose of neurostimulant which would fry his central nervous system giving him a slow and painful death, but those are not all the modifications done to his body, the stimulant itself is what itself it’s what enhances his strength, speed, and reflexes, coupled with cybernetic enhancements in all his body, his life now is in possession of a shady organization looking for a source of power that is not of this world.
-Gameplay: gameplay would consist in its core to combo as much hits as possible to increase score and damage of every hit you manage to make contact with the enemy, and also increase the speed of your attacks increasing the speed of combat and the fluidity of movement.
Music: music would also escalate with the combo meter and the speed the action is taking. Would compose of speed metal (which consists of fast riffs with a lot of tone variety), and rock with fast transitions and high pitches.
Genre: Plataformer, Adventure, 3D
Plataform: PS4, XBOX One, PC
Audience: For all ages
Game Description: The story of the game would go like this. One day in the town of "Woodland" where the Forest Sprites were going about their daily activities when suddenly Rorarg "The Dark Sprite", wich were thought to be extinct, took " The Truffula" the source of power and life force of all Forest Sprites, and as Rorarg started fleeing Woodland with The Truffula in his possesion the town began to wither, but fourtunately our hero (you), managed to recover one of the pieces of The Truffula ( a " Truffula Shard " ) and stopped the town of Woodland from withering completely, is up to you now to restore The Truffula and save the Forest Sprites, but beware the dangers that lie beyond the entrance of your hometown, but there maybe more to Rorarg taking Truffula then it may seem.
Plataforming aspects: plataforming would start rather forgiving at the start with simple jumps and a little amount of death pits and progresively getting more complex as you venture deeper into "The Darkend Forest" .
Music: the music would be composed of fantasy ambiented music with forest based tunes and melodies that would progressively get darker the further you are in The Darkend Forest.
Other aspects: one of the main mechanics is the ability of your Sprite to make plants grow in certain points to make plataforming more easy.
credits of image:
Genero: Ritmo, Musica
Plataforma: Android, iOS
Audiencia: la audiencia a la que se puede proponer esta clase de juego serìa de niños de 10 a adolecentes o adultos de 25 a 30 años, es un juego para todos.
descripcion del juego: en Tap and Dance el jugador debera tocar la pantalla al ritmo de la musica para hacer que el que el personaje baile con pasos llamativos como lo son los del freestyle, los patrones ritmicos aumentan en su complejidad y dificultad a medida que el tiempo pasa pero tambien aumenta la complejidad y dificultad de los pasos de baile del personaje, al fallar cierta cantidad de veces se obtiene un game over y se reinicia desde lo mas simpe otra vez. ( algo semejante a flappy bird pero con un toque de just dance pero mas casual y jugarlo para matar tiempo).
daily from
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Hey Jose
Awesome. It's quite great to see you create a protagonist who "sees" the world in a different way, and I was quite pleased to see the ways you integrated his acute hearing to expand on the gameplay.
Your grammar isn't perfect but has been improving, so cheers for that. If anything was missing here, it was some visual aid.