Submissions from 2018-01-12 to 2018-01-13 (3 total)

Not a super inspired night, but I managed to add some new functionality to attack abilities. Now, in addition to being instant AOE, they can also be a 'targeted AOE'. This means the user needs to select a tile first from within the allowable tile mask, and then a second mask defines the area that is actually effected by the attack (rather than just the targeted tile). This represents things like grenades.

There is no TileMaskVisualization for the grenades actual effected area yet. Initially, I envisioned a secondary tile mask marker that updated in real time as the user moves the cursor around, showing the 3x3 area in a different color. However, this won't work on mobile since there is no concept of hovering. It will probably require clicking once to show the effected area mask, and then again (in the same tile) to confirm the attack. That means that it will take 3 clicks in total: 1 to select the grenade ability icon, 1 to show the effected area from a possible target tile, and 1 to confirm. That seems a little clunky, but I can't think of a better way...

Testing out converting my first ever 3D character that I made years ago to my first ever 16-bit character. Palette is currently incorrect as this is a draft. C&C completely welcome and wanted. Still adjusting to this pixel world from 3D.

Finally you can make some damage!

I added an attack animation and pixel blood particles as well as some methods and callbacks to handle damage etc

blood particles were too small but I changed them after I made the gif (note to self: make gifs when wrapping up)

Also, stats are now scriptable objects

See the changes here: