Submissions from 2015-02-19 to 2015-02-20 (3 total)

Today I continued working on notifications. Created functions for adding and removing them with nice animations. All in all, I'm quite pleased. :)
I'll a gif with the new notifications.

By the way, if you would like to show Crystal Kingdom your support, you can like its facebook page. :)

Yesterday's update can be found here.
In a case of any questions or suggestions, don't hesitate to contact me here or on twitter. ;)

For more updates, you should follow my twitter account - @PeterLauris and the account of Crystal Kingdom - @CrystalKingdom_.

An older version/doodle of Fatima from The Texture of Love found here ==> Need to come back to this one

So I've been working on a bunch of ships, this time I tried to change the style up a bit. Worked out pretty well!

My progression can be fully followed here: