Submissions from 2024-05-20 to 2024-05-21 (3 total)

working on a series of photos from my local Goatman Bridge

i usually don't make writeups for my pictures, but i figured i might try for the first time today since this was a straightforward one to make (relative to my workflow)

since i'm noticing a growing pattern in my street composition lately, i want to get back a bit into macro photography and detail processing for a bit

i took this picture of my (fairly shitty) balcony's guardrail, and removed compositional distractions by cropping it in the rare triple square ratio

i worked on the colors a fair bit, to make the contrast more visceral, making it closer to how i feel looking at it than how it "should look". i then applied a slight noise filter on the green channel only to create some texture, then destroyed it with a skin correction algorithm to make it look even more "fake" (i tend to contradict myself while editing)

in the end, i don't think it's a very good picture but it was an interesting experiment

if you read so far, thanks ahah