Submissions from 2023-06-19 to 2023-06-26 (4 total)

PureSalem Mendiola and 80s Epiphone bass. Once again through the UA Volt, mainly just to try bass through that. There's still some EQ-8 low-end rolloff on the bass, but it doesn't have to be as extreme as some earlier tracks. Some of that may be from the Volt on the Vintage EQ setting, but also there's no kick drum here, so I didn't have to make room for that. Otherwise, just convolution reverb and the compression/EQ on the stereo bus.

The title comes from yet another minor planet, 495 Eulalia.

This sounds like lounge music.

This one is shorter. I did a little bit of experimentation.

Nothing crazy here.

A submission for Weekly Music 2023 25

first post, made a small track. i liked the lead in this (square wave with saw wave 1 octave higher then distorted reverbed).... and had some fun pitch shifting the drop and low passing the drop at the end of 4 bar sections.

looking ideally for constructive feedback... whats the weakest aspect of the track... what needs improve... these are the types of feedback id ask for

po ridge.wav12mb
1 download