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Late submission! I played 9 songs with Rory. Finally solved my flickering issues: Korora auto logs in to Wayland instead of Xorg even though the login option in the login screen says Xorg! So when I run Linux under Xorg, all my video issues go away.

Played another 6 songs. I really need new shoes, my feet hurt a lot now. :(

Today is the first day of my mission to exercise more and fat less. Played SM with some friends. Getting my room mate into it should help with motivation (for the both of us!). So far, so good!

Getting to this a bit late today, but I'll have it done! I'll post an update in a bit!

Edit: Did 10 songs with Rory while we waited for supper to finish cooking. :)

Wow! It's only been a week and I already feel quite a performance boost! I just finished playing 15 songs and I feel like I could play 15 more! Songs that I really struggled with when I started this are a lot less exhausting now! I'm really happy with how things are going, I plan to keep at it for sure!

Only did 10 rounds today~

Today is a day of rest. I did a short session of 5 songs to keep the streak alive.

Did maintenance on the arcade pc (now named Peach Cola) last night. Reinstalled the OS, system updates, and updated StepMania as well. Also removed the r21 song packs and added a bunch of Touhou and Vocaloid song packs. Unfortunately this caused an oddity: The lights on the dance pads are now offset and I am unsure why. I filed an issue on the PIUIO driver GitHub page.

Software-wise, I did this upgrade so that I could start streaming. And technically it works. OBS captures both the game footage and my webcam footage just fine. However, there is a problem... the dinky little Celeron I have in Peach Cola is not up to the task of streaming. It plays StepMania just fine, x264 rendering is a no-go. I'm currently searching various avenues for a used Haswell i5.

In the mean time, I did 10 rounds today and am in the process of doing some minor tweaks to the preferences. I think I need to adjust the GlobalOffset value a bit.

Getting to this a bit late, but I'll update shortly after midnight with my screenshot :)

Edit: Played 12 songs today. Played 2 with Rory and his friends, then we restarted after they left and played 10 more. Note that I adjusted the GlobalOffset to match the stock ITG2 settings (-0.012000) so that may account for the much better score in the same final song from yesterday.

Another late day. Will update in a bit!

Edit: Did 10 songs with Rory. :)

Feeling pretty lethargic today but I gotta get muh daily in. Will update in a bit~

Edit: Played 15 songs~

Today was a rest day, so I only did 5 easy songs with minimal jumps. My knees hurt. :(

I've decided to start ramping up a bit in difficulty. I've been mostly playing 4s and 5s and the occasional 6. I'm going to mover this up to 5s and 6s with the occasional 7. I played 10 songs today but I have an issue where sometimes the dance pads will d/c from the system and StepMania can't recover them so I have to reboot the system. That is why the below picture only has 3 stages listed.

I've decided to switch to doing sets of 3 songs as I ramp up the difficulty for it to feel a bit more arcadey~ Today I did 9 songs, several of them were 7s and I am sweaty and tired. :P

Played 12 songs with Rory, including Monolith 7 and Mellow 8, the songs that got me playing at the arcade, and my warm up song back in the day, respectively. I am really happy that I am already back up to this level after only a couple weeks.

I only played one song to day so I could post here. However, I did walk around the mall for a few hours so at least that's some exercise, right? I feel pretty cruddy today though so I am gonna hit the hay early.

I'm still feeling pretty under the weather today so I played a single song again. I usually have a rest day each week anyway so I'll consider this my rest day. Hopefully I'll be feeling better tomorrow so I can get back in the groove! *crickets*

Still not feeling the best but I managed to crank out 9 songs, 5s and 6s.

Did 12 songs, half of which were 6-8, the other half were 5.

I did a system upgrade today and tested it out by playing a song. I had to babysit this evening so I won't get a chance to play again :(

Streaming works! I can stream at 30fps while the game maintains 60fps. I am going to spend time trying to fix the flickering now as it is becoming unbearable. Rory and I played 9 songs tonight.

Played 12 songs but my PIUIO died in the middle of the last song~

Late submission! I've been a bit out of it for a few days, but I'm trying to catch up with everything starting with my StepMans obligations~