Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
Did maintenance on the arcade pc (now named Peach Cola) last night. Reinstalled the OS, system updates, and updated StepMania as well. Also removed the r21 song packs and added a bunch of Touhou and Vocaloid song packs. Unfortunately this caused an oddity: The lights on the dance pads are now offset and I am unsure why. I filed an issue on the PIUIO driver GitHub page.
Software-wise, I did this upgrade so that I could start streaming. And technically it works. OBS captures both the game footage and my webcam footage just fine. However, there is a problem... the dinky little Celeron I have in Peach Cola is not up to the task of streaming. It plays StepMania just fine, x264 rendering is a no-go. I'm currently searching various avenues for a used Haswell i5.
In the mean time, I did 10 rounds today and am in the process of doing some minor tweaks to the preferences. I think I need to adjust the GlobalOffset value a bit.
Played 6 songs but my PIUIO died on me twice so I got angry and closed the game before I could get a screenshot. >:[
Late submission! Did another 6 songs today (technically 7 but my PIUIO died during the first song...). Tried an expert 10 but, well, yeah.. :P
Late submission! I've been a bit out of it for a few days, but I'm trying to catch up with everything starting with my StepMans obligations~
Late submission! I played 9 songs with Rory. Finally solved my flickering issues: Korora auto logs in to Wayland instead of Xorg even though the login option in the login screen says Xorg! So when I run Linux under Xorg, all my video issues go away.
Streaming works! I can stream at 30fps while the game maintains 60fps. I am going to spend time trying to fix the flickering now as it is becoming unbearable. Rory and I played 9 songs tonight.
I did a system upgrade today and tested it out by playing a song. I had to babysit this evening so I won't get a chance to play again :(
joined 2,880 days ago
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