fidxed a long existing bug with the sword tween in an unexpected way honestly lol
just removed a callback and commented out a line and i was surprised to see it be fixed

More submissions by Gilberto Moreno for Daily Gamedev

Spent part of the day organizing tasks for the morning and visited my grandparents had a great time in family and even managed to show them the game!

only managed to do one task related to my game, however did manage to improve my notetaking, adopted iso format for daily note taking , modified all obsidian plugins to work with that and even started using timewarrior to track tasks as well and plan out some rust cli app to automate tracking things as a redundancy within timewarrior

Got some work done in getting the rooms to generate their own nav mesh after the proc gen runs!

Green represents the bound of said space to be sectioned selectively

been experimenting with layered feedback!

Got a few days done today!

  • fixed a bug with the color of the color tint fade!
  • Maintained Decoupled Architecture
  • Tested and Verified Implementation
  • it feels nice to me as i play it!

Daily Gamedev

Do something related to your game every day!

joined 14 days ago
