Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
Started 9 years ago (January 1st 2016, 3 am).
Ended 8 years ago (December 31st 2016, 3 am).
It doesn't matter what I make, but I want to have something to show for every single day of the year. It might be code for a game prototype, it might be progress on a cross-stitch project, it might be a sketch or a painting, it might be handspun yarn, it might be trying out a new recipe even. But something that is for myself, to grow my skills and enjoy making, every day.
Anyone is welcome to join. Let's make stuff!
Finished and rewound the silk - had to leave som behind, will chain-ply it separately maybe. And started the BFL.
Wound the variegateds and the Coloris, filling one box.
Finished combing the BFL.
Skeined and washed the Polwarth yarn (tentative name: Alicorn Barf).
Predrafted and started spinning one of the silk gradients.
Plied the Polwarth. Started combing and blending the BFL gradients I like the least. Wound all the Color Variations floss: 60 down, 465+24 to go...
Combed the Polwarth. Plyed the alpaca (2-ply main skein and chain-plied leftover). Started spinning the Polwarth
Lots of untangling and some alpaca-silk on the wheel
Woodland and plying
More untangling
Plying and late night untangling
A few rows on Woodland and quite a bit of plying. Still a long way to go on both
Package prep (added leader on spindle, picked wool, skeined more Lovikka, twisted mini-skeins) and a pitiful two rows of Woodland
Plying and untangling