Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
Started 10 years ago (February 8th 2015, 8 am).
Ended 9 years ago (August 31st 2015, 8 am).
A series of short stories cobbled together from the writer's observations, reflections, dreams, and memories.
In which a hairdresser encounters a client she hasn’t seen for two years.
In which a man entertains thoughts of becoming a pet store magnate.
In which a man encounters a cat in his neighborhood but wonders if it's maybe a different cat.
In which a man narrowly makes a flight and then wonders if he actually made the flight or not.
In which two friends have an argument about a comment one of them made.
In which a group of elementary school students attend a presentation about safety in the cafeteria, which sometimes doubles as an auditorium.
In which a man has a series of dreams about a yeti.