Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
IndieGameDev & 💻 Engineer in Computer Science and Electronics. Working on the game in development, CraftyCounty 🌳🏠🏙️
Let's change the world 😎
First time using an actual IRL keyboard to make on of those weekly challenge. (I'm no pro) Almost in time! This is also the first time I have a late submit... I had a rough week :(
!(Positive vibes)
I tried a quiet one this time around
Not sure
It feels more like a cohesive thing.
I did not draw this week but at least I studied musical composition and tried to create this audio loop :)
I would love to have feedback on this :)
Layout video available here
Back to basic studying. I take a reference and study it so that I can understand proportions, poses and anatomy. I'm still a beginner and I know there are a lot of mistakes, but that's the point.
So this is a bit late but here's yesterday's sketch. I used this reference:
Honestly I think something is off with it.
I'm learning, this is new to me :)
I made that while listening to this on loop: :) (it's yesterdays, but it's my first one so deal with it :P )
First time ever using a reference. I didn't try to follow it closely, just to have it as a guide ( )
joined 1,764 days ago
Streak: 0, Longest: 8
weekly from
Best streak: 10, Completion: 19%