ADAY - RMX - Untitled BEATS.mp34.2mb
mnapoleon - gekkonid.mp38.8mb

Collaboration with Aisjam and my self for The Great Australian Barbecue Bash vol. 2 via Australian Chiptune Collective


aisjam x Aday - Neural MIDI Flux.mp314.4mb

Made with the Korg Gadget on the Switch. I really like how the snares came out, it seems a jump up was the secret all along.

C Dorian mode for that extra bit of scenery and a lot of funny business around the end.

New Woods.mp32.9mb

First song using Fruity Loops Mobile and im kinda proud of what I came up with on my first run of this advanced as hell tool. Finally slowly starting to understand music theory as well what with the answer question kinda thing? Wanted to implement that here but I have to sleep.

Kind of wanted to try and channel that chill vibe and also break out of my normal chiptune stuff and just kinda cleanse my pallette?

Electro House s0nlx 1-16-2019.mp33.2mb

Here begins my journey to make 12 vocal song remixes for 2019.
Original Song

I really dig this song and its overall atmosphere, but one problem I found myself facing is that it pretty much only has one melody.
Also, I rarely work with vocals so I struggled quite a bit with making this. The latter part feels a little bit unnecessary, but at the same time it was important to not leave that last bit of lyrics aside.

What does SHD stand for? It's for the big brains to figure out.


Ah, the start of a new year! Thought I should finally dig out Famitracker and make some new tunes. I'm still really inspired by Virt but I'm not sure I'll be able to match his skill any time soon. Enjoy!


Hi, this is a thing i made.

Inu no fue = Dog whistle.

Inu no fue.mp35.6mb

Well for over 2/3 of the month I was travelling arround USA and now i'm back after some time away and relaxing well maybe too much as i started this with 5 hours left on the clock and well hour later here a little something. out of relaxation mode and back to crunch time.

P.s i had to drag myself away from Kingdom hearts 3 for this XD

Whispering On My Own Way.mp31.4mb

Simple F# major that orbits around the tempo.


Hardbass devolving into happy hardcore.

02 Fukaina.mp39.6mb
y palemoon.mp314.4mb

Those funny people sure look funny. Suburbia is never going to be the same.

Made in about an hour to see if I could.

mnapoleon - loppnuggs.mp34.1mb
mnapoleon - slán brona.mp34.4mb

This song happens when you will the B away, and then want to play in C, then C#, then D. There's pretty much no other outcome.

Sharp of Life.mp35.3mb
manpoleon - celestial dankling.mp312.4mb


For the first half of 2019, I was so busy I made almost no music whatsoever. A lot of things have changed for me, but now I'm back in the game with a whole new setup and buckets of fresh ideas :)

This song is the first thing I finished this year, and it's an ode to the musical dead space that was the spring of 2019.


I wanted to make a waterway sort of level, and though it didn't quite turn into what I wanted, it turn into something I liked. Guess I was just trying to play it too safe. Maybe in the waterway for within some actual things can happen.

Mixolydian Bb with all the harp. It's beautiful.

Waterway For Without.mp34.1mb
mnapoleon - syncn feeln.mp313.0mb

It's maybe not quite distant enough, and perhaps also not quite piano enough what with the layers adding to it, but it's most certainly a piano.

Korg Gadget on the Switch finally has new instruments, I'll be having fun with those.

Distant Piano Piano.mp35.8mb

Back to surfing the deadline a la wb18 - feels very appropriate for lofi tunes. Should have dnb for next month :)

mnapoleon - paomx.mp325.0mb

For this month I wanted to do a march, for no real particular reason. March is also the name of a month, but I guess that's not really relevant.

Initially this song was composed in minor key, I'll upload that on soundcloud at some point. This is the major and enhanced version, with chiptune.

August March.mp33.9mb