This idea takes the Pokemon game and turns it into a 3D open world MMORPG. The game will combine decision making mechanics from Skyrim and the story-line from original Pokemon but adds side quests and ability to free roam the world and challenge other online players.


  • 3D Pokemon battle scenes that effects the environment (explosions creating craters)
  • Free roam the open world and meet other online players and challenge them to duels.
  • Add players as friends and challenge them to custom 1v1 battles or have them accompany you on different quests
  • Trade Pokemon or items with other players.
  • Encounter, catch and collect wild Pokemon wile roaming.
  • Pokemon can have a linear story-line so side quests will be added to provide a break from the main story.
  • Decision making mechanics, how the player acts on these decisions will result in different endings of the game.
  • Leveling up Pokemon.
  • Knockout tournament battles with other online players in big arenas.
  • Gold coins can be purchased or earned in the game to buy certain rare Pokemon or items.

HadleyPatchett9 years ago

Your move Nintendo...

xandreduplooy9 years ago

yeah same man

Corey Barron9 years ago

Still surprised that nintendo never made this


More submissions by xandreduplooy for MDS GDV110 - 'One Game a Day' Assignment

Alien Wrestling is a sports game where different races of aliens wrestle against each other to determine the ultimate Alien Wrestling Universal Champions! The game will feature different alien races each with different choose able characters. Each race will have different attributes, abilities, strengths and weaknesses. The game will also feature different wrestling styles ranging from judo to modern day W.W.E or boxing. Each alien race will have strengths and weaknesses in wrestling style. There will also be a range of different arenas each on a different planet or dimension. The game will have different modes such as quick game, multiplayer (online or local), tournaments or hero mode. Hero mode will start you out choosing your own race and then creating your own character through character creation and setting stats. The players start start wrestling and earn xp points to level up attributes and unlock abilities, until they earn the title of Universal Wrestling Champion.


You find yourself waking up in this room, no memory of how you got here or what happened. The only thing you know is something doesn't quite feel right about this place. It feels as if the paintings are watching you, moving as you do. You see a couple of old newspapers on a study desk with the headlines "Serial killer claims another" and "Mysterious events haunting the city". You feel like you need to escape however the front door is locked. You notice in the writing of the paper there are certain words underlined in different sentences to form the phrase "It" "all" "starts" "in" "the" "ashes". In the ashes inside the fireplace you find a key, the key unlocks the chest next to the pot plant. Inside the chest is note that reads "The painting means everything to me". Behind the painting above the chest is a safe built into the wall. There are four coloured dots on the safe, red->green->blue->black. In the book shelf there are certain books with the matching coloured dots on the covers, inside each book there is a torn out page. Each missing page number gives the digits needed for the safe in the order of the colours. In the safe is a diary with a lot of confession notes about the murderer and how his victim's haunt him inside this house, the last entry is logged "… I should be back just after dark." And "I can't stop thinking about London". On the map of London is a spot marked 'X' 'Tower of London'. The shelf next to the fireplace has written on it "The tower you seek" inside here is a note "the missing pages don't add up". Adding up the numbers of the missing pages will give you the a four number digit needed to unlock the lockpad on the door needed to escape.

Gains plz is comedic mobile game that utilizes tilting mechanics. The players play as bodybuilder deprived of gains (protein food) after a hard workout. Food will fall down from the top of the screen and the players have to use tilting mechanics to move the protein deprived athlete so the foods can drop straight into his mouth. Certain foods however must be avoided and others are necessary to get enough of in order to complete the level. High protein food items such as chicken breasts, steaks, mince meat and carbohydrate rich foods like potato, ball of rice and pasta and also vegetables needs to be caught into the mouth of the bodybuilder. Certain bad foods will also fall down like donuts, etc will also fall down, these need to be avoided. But in the 'Cheat day' mode it is the reverse, after a hard week of dieting the bodybuilder needs a cheat day! In this mode you only catch the 'bad' food items, nothing healthy! As the levels progress this bodybuilder gets bigger in size so progressively he needs to eat more to reach his target macro nutrients for the day.


This is an endless scroller stacking type of game for mobile devices. The players play the game as a student in a library where the aim is to stack books on top of each other for as high as possible while keeping the noise down. The student is standing next to the stack of books on a table with a ladder, he has his arm swinging back forth and the player have to find the right timing to tap the screen to let the book drop so it is perfectly in the middle of the stack. As the stack of books grow they will start swaying, therefore it is important to place the books perfectly in the middle of the stack to try avoid swaying as much as possible. However as the stack grows very high swaying is unpreventable so it is crucial to place the books perfectly to lessen the sway effect. If a book falls off your stack you create noise and the librarian will tell you off, three strikes and then the librarian will swat at your stack in anger causing you to loose 10 books off the top. There will be different sized books and similar in Tetris if the player does not want to place the next book they can put it on hold to be placed later when they see fit. Only one book can be on hold at a time.


I am Giant is a 1v5 online type of game. The game is set in a forest where one player plays a giant and the other players are hunters who has to kill the giant to keep his big toe as a trophy. There will be different hunter classes and different giant types, each with a distinct advantage and each type of giant can counter these one of these abilities. Each level of each game will have a randomly generated environment to provide something different each round. The hunters will begin the level grouped up and start tracking the giant. The giant will begin far away so he can setup traps and hideout places. The giant can not take all the hunters on at once so he will have to try stick to 1v1 little battles to slowly get rid of all the hunters. Different giant classes include tanky, stealthy and intelligent. Hunter classes include sniper, agility, tanky and trap master. Each player will have to play according to their hunter class, for instance the agility hunter can not go to the front line to engage or the sniper cant be without backup. Each giant class also needs to be played accordingly.


Meet Bob, Bob is an enthusiastic greenthumb. Botany Bob is a real time online browser game where you grow all sorts of plants ranging from rarity levels to sell or trade them with players! Build your virtual garden into something amazing. Upgrade your the size of your garden, buy accessories and decorations with Plant Points, partake in little side games for extra rewards. Level up to unlock certain plants and items from the shop and purchase these with Plant Points. Earn XP by achieving full grown plants, playing side games and trading. At each level up a certain amount of Plant Points are rewarded. Plant Points can be earned by playing side games, selling plants or buying them in game with real money. Botany Bob has in game micro transactions for those who want to get a head start or just for those who are really dedicated to make their garden thrive.


Escape is a third person prison escape game. Everything the player does in this game (Relationships with other inmates, choices, actions) will ultimately effect how your escape will go down. For instance who you form relationships with, different inmates will have different personalities with particular skills and weaknesses that will effect your escape if you choose to let them in your team. Complete side missions or activities like prison jobs to level up a skill tree for skills needed with your escape, for example the ability to hide certain items like screwdrivers in prison uniform without getting caught. Player choices while interacting with other inmates will also effect how your escape will go down. The players will play the game according to how they plan to escape for example making friendships with intelligent inmates if they plan to make a sneak escape, or hack the prison cameras for example. However if you choose to go this way and you don't have intelligent members on your crew there is a high risk the operation will fail. Escape will focus heavily on player freedom and how they want to go about escaping the prison.


As a financially struggling middle aged journalist, Sam will do anything for a bit of extra cash. After finding out about some secret government drug testing facility that pay people to let them test new medically created drugs on them for research purposes, Sam made the decision to offer himself as a test subject to earn some extra cash.

Test Subject #4 is a first person puzzle game where you play as Sam. You have been injected with some unknown drug. The testing facility is in the heart of an unknown abandoned hospital and you manage to break free from the testing room just before the effects of the unknown substance kick in. Little does Sam know he has been injected with a super strong chemical and the effects will remain there for days. The goal of the game is the escape this abandoned hospital without getting caught. Experience the environment in different colors, see sounds and see everything in an abstract manner. Overcome obstacles in your path which seen through the eyes of Sam can teach players life lessons. A simple task such as navigating your way over a ledge hanging over a dark deep pit can be seen through Sam's eyes an abstract way and can show players a deeper meaning. For instance the hole in the floor can be life's temptations and on the other side are life goals, the temptations can avoid you from achieving life goals. The game can teach players to see a deeper meaning in everyday life struggles.

Note: This game does not encourage drug use.


Waterpark 2.0 is an open sandbox where players build and manage a water theme park. However the game will feature two different playing modes, one where you start with limited cash and build a water theme park from scratch and earn money to upgrade it. Or the other mode where players can build the craziest water slides they can come up with and share their designs online with other players. Waterpark 2.0 will have a realistic physics engine so building slides will not just be a matter of simply placing down tubes. They have to be placed keeping water flow in mind, safety features, how the slide will be suspended and supported and so on. Each slide will also need to be connected with a water supply at the start of it. Each slide built will have to go through a testing phase where all potential and problematic areas will be outlined. Meanwhile in the free build mode players will be able to choose if they want physics on or off. This mode is mode will not focus on managing a whole park but rather just whatever the players want to do. Build one slide, build potential park layouts and so on. The players can share their designs with other players on a workshop where you can vote, comments and discuss other designs.


A third person puzzle game where you can walk on walls to help you solve the puzzle of each level. You play as a futuristic explorer in a maze searching for a ball of energy to unlock doors that will let you progress to the next level. Levels will feature a range of different shapes and sizes but all of them will be enclosed to allow players to walk on side walls and the roofs. To walk on a wall players simply need to walk into it, the view of the map will change accordingly. Certain items can be found around levels to aid the player to complete the level. For instance a device that projects an image of the player onto a nearby wall that is in range and the player will teleport there. An item that can make one clone of the player allowing them to be able to select who they want to control for a certain time period. An item that can spawn boxes to help players reach areas that couldn't before. Once the player has collected the energy ball they need to take it to the door to unlock it, proceeding to the next level just involves simply walking through the door, a short cut scene will play to give the players a quick glimpse of the level. As some of the levels will become larger players have a mini map that reveals the area as they discover it. There are no enemies or combat involved so players play on their own time to take in the visual aspects of the level design and complete each puzzle as they want.


Its a game where you have to be undetected whilst doing a certain task. In my game you are a student who has to try break wind and have no one suspect its you. If you get caught it is game over and you have to start from the beginning. If someone starts to suspect its you there are things you can do to make them not suspect you. The way to not get caught is controlling the noise, who is around you and how close they are. If the suspicion meter goes into the red it means someone is onto you. If it stays in the red for too long someone will ask you if it was you, then players have to tap as fast as they can on the screen to get the suspicion meter back in the green zone failure to do this will result in getting caught and them its game over.


Runaway Bus is an endless scrolling 2D top down point of view game for mobile devices. Players play as the driver of the bus and have to swipe the bus left and right between lanes to avoid traffic and obstacles. On each level players have to reach bus stops before the timer runs out to drop off and pick up people. The further the game progresses the harder levels get, meaning the bus travels faster, more traffic and decreased amount of time to reach the next stop. If you crash into other cars or obstacles the satisfaction of people onboard will decrease, if it decreases too much it will affect your score for each level. Crashing into things will affect the look of the bus making it have dents appear on it. It will also gradually make the bus travel slower, making it harder for the player to reach destinations before the timer runs out.


Doodles is 2D platformer side scrolling puzzle game inspired by Scribblenauts. In Doodles players have to complete levels, solve puzzles and fight enemies by drawing objects that will turn into game objects that will help them overcome obstacles. For example if there is a platform that can not be reached by normal jumps, players can open the draw tab and draw a ladder to spawn an in-game ladder object to help them get onto the platform. Or players can draw a sword to help fight off an enemy. While drawing the game will be paused. If the the drawing is not recognized by the game, it will bring up a list of objects that looks similar to what is drawn. The players can then pick from that list what they wanted. If nothing looks similar to drawing the game will display a message saying to please draw again. Players can collect 'magic pencils' for extra points on each level, however these items are in hard to reach spots. The score for each level will be based on creativity and how many magic pencils were collected.


Motivator Simulator is 3rd person point of view game that involves the clicking mechanism from games such as cookie clicker. The main goal of the game is to motivate people. Players roam around the town looking around for ordinary people who needs a bit of motivation. People walking around in town will have a sad face above their heads, these are the people that needs a little bit of motivation. Once you approach a person the camera angles will change giving more dramatic effect and players have to start clicking as fast as they can on the person. Voice overs of motivational speeches will play, including Shia LaBeouf's 'just do it', Muhammad Ali's 'Imma show you how great I am', and so on. Every person you are trying to motivate has a 'motivation meter', if you fill up this meter you have successfully motivated this person. If you fail however they will run away crying and you will loose rep which will make it harder to motivate future clients.


Pulse is a 2D top down point of view maze game that requires you to use your memory. Players play as futuristic explorers that traveled back in time for a valuable ancient artifact, however get lost in a dark maze. The goal is to reach the end of the maze to find your way out and levels are pitch black. The only way to make your way around the maze is to emit a pulse of light that will reveal the path ahead of you. The light will not shine through walls. Players have an energy level for their suits and emitting this pulse of light will drain a little bit of energy each time the ability is used. Each level features a different maze layout that get progressively larger so remembering what you see when you emit this pulse of light becomes crucial to you reaching the end of the maze. Eventually traps and enemies will be introduced when reaching the larger sized mazes, running into enemies will force you to the start of the maze. Energy packs will also be introduced so players can replenish energy. In all mazes there will be more than one route towards the exit.


Asteroid Shooter is 2D retro game set in space. You play as a commander of a space ship that utilizes missile technology dedicated to protect earth from anything that could be harmful to the civilians or anything that threatens earth itself. One day on the space horizon you notice a meteorite shower approaching earth. It is your duty to shoot these meteorites to bits in order to protect earth and minimize casualties as much as possible. Shoot down approaching meteorites with missiles launched from your ship, depending on the meteorite size, it will explode into smaller bits when hit. Use a range of different missiles to your advantage to best get rid of these meteorites. Upgrade your ship to add additional missile launchers to make your job a little easier. Each level will have increasing amounts of meteorites approaching earth. Harder difficulty settings will give you a limited amount of missiles at your disposal for each level. Eventually tougher meteorites will be introduced, these take more than one hit to get rid of but travel a lot less slower.


Pass The Bomb is 2D platformer puzzle game, with a fuse bomb played with stick figure dudes. The idea of the game is to throw the bomb to other stickfigure dudes to get the bomb into a safe where it can explode and not kill anyone. The stickfigure dude with the bomb can not run around he can only throw the bomb to another dude. This way the bomb has to be passed around to get in the safe. Throws will be implemented with a power meter and an angle, if you the bomb and its not within catching distance of another stickfigure dude it will have to be picked up causing you to loose time on the bomb fuse. The player can control any stickfigure dude he wants by simply cycling through them pressing Ctrl. The currently selected dude will be highlighted. You can run around with any stickfigure dude who doesn't have the bomb to get them into position which will help you solve the puzzle, eg: Get one dude within throwing distance of the bomb carrier, get one dude to activate a door with a button he has to stand on, have one dude move a box to where another dude can jump onto to get to another platform, etc. Each level has a difficulty setting, harder modes will give you less stickfigure dudes to work with and shorter bomb fuses.


The key is a third person horror adventure rpg game. The game is set in vast jungle with old abandoned houses and little villages and you don't know how you ended up here. It is an open world and where you explore is entirely up to you, however the goal of the game is to find keys which will unlock little chest scattered around the world which reveals parts of the story in cut scene videos as to why you are here in this place. As you explore the world you will discover clues which help you to locate keys. There are a range of strange creatures in this fores which all will attack you when they spot you. In the key there are no weapons or combat system, to escape these creatures you can only hide or run away. Houses and little villages will offer best places to hide while shrubbery in the forest can also hide you but you make more noise there.


Inverse is a third person point of view game where all your actions are inversed. Left is right, up is down, forward is backward, etc. The aim of the game is to do certain tasks as professionally as possible without raising peoples suspicion of you. Tasks include everyday activities like mowing the lawns, making coffee, going to work etc. Each level will feature different tasks for you to perform and each level has different people with different attitudes. For example some people will get suspicious easier, some will ask favors of you. Your score for each level is determined by how low you keep the suspicion from other people. Levels will progress with higher difficulty as you go along the game and levels will feature a range of different settings and environments to play in, also a range of different objects you can interact with. There will also be online leaderboards for each level.


Mine! is an online seagull simulator game. Seagulls live a hard life, and its time for you to experience the struggles they go through. Players play as a seagull, the aim of the game is to keep your hunger level out of the green. You can do this by waiting for people to drop food in public areas by the beach, scavenging around, stand on one leg to pretend like you only have one so people sympathize for you, go fishing like a normal seagull or forcefully take food off of people or other seagulls. Each player has a notoriety level, if you forceably take food from too many people or other players, or you too much pretending you only have one leg, your notoriety level will go up and people might not throw food at you or they will chase you away when you get close to them. Other online players can also see you notoriety level and they might peck at you when you come close to them. Players can choose to share food if they want to, they can team up and choose to not fight each other and hunger together or you can go solo and just take food from other players!


MDS GDV110 - 'One Game a Day' Assignment

Media Design School's GDV110 students come up with a game idea a day.

daily from 2015-07-21 to 2015-09-11