Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
Deus Mars is a MORPG where the player exists in a world located in Mars centralised with bot fighting. Each player gets to have 3 maximum bots. Each bots has their own characteristics and abilities obtained to how their owners develop them and to where they come from. Every bot is unique. Different terrains and maps also influence the behaviour of bots.
Each bots have their primary statistics/abilities.
STR (Strength) = physical power of the bot, allowing it to deal damage to the opponent if even if there are no weapons equipped.
AGI (Agility) = speed of the bot in many aspects, allowing it to attack faster and dodge attacks more often.
VIT (Vitality) = endurance of the bot, it affects the "HP" and restorative power of the bot in other words, it measures how "Tanky" the bot is.
DEX (Dexterity) = affects accuracy , in many aspects allowing the bot to land its attacks easier. Each bots have their primary stats.
Players fight each other in the arena to test their bots strengths and weaknesses.
Solving quests can also be a way to improve bots and also obtain items and weapons, both for the player and their bots. Trading, selling and buying items can also contribute to the progress of quests.
Obtained inspiration from the movie Big Hero 6. Art by KevinNelson. Kevin Nelson's Blog Spot
You play as an interior designer. Each level you are given a client and you get to know what their personality and their budget. The client will have a little paragraph about him/herself and given a budget to design a room. You are also given room dimensions and measurements. There will be different kinds of room to design, not only inside a house, it could be an office a restaurant or anything! Each level completion you will gain certain amount of pay. If you did not finish the given budget provided by the client, you may keep the remaining funds. Depending on how satisfied the client is they will pay you a certain amount. They will rate you 1-5 stars after the job has been done. Each person has a online profile and each player can also be a client. This game will also have a custom mode where they player can build his own rooms and keep it as a portfolio so other players can also see.
A 3D rpg game where you play as a robot made for making people feel better and prevent from getting sick. You roam around the hospital and help the doctors with their patients. Each task you are given you're required to do a different job. You first talk to the patient and scan them and ask them a few questions. This is a decision based game and the improvement of your patient will be depending on the decisions you make. There are countless outcomes of each of your decisions. There will be also a task given where you have to get medicine some else where and/or hang out with your patient. Each success of a patient will make you even better and your parts will be upgraded. This is mixed with sort of an adventure type game because you also get to get out of the hospital if needed be; for example, gathering natural medicines etc.
Image from Disney Movie BigHero6
Monstropolis is a team-based first person shooter multi-player video game. This game is focused around two opposing teams competing for a combat-based principal objective. The team will be composed of 5 people. Like any other first-person shooter games, there will be many game mods. The only thing that separates "Monstropolis" from its competitors is that; the abilities of the monsters are very adaptable depending on the map. They can fly, climb up the buildings and even evolve to a hybrid. It all depends on which monster character the players pick. Each monsters evolve to a much stronger version of itself depending on what it eats. There will be objects that the monsters will be able to consume in the map. Things such as fruits, meat, and vegetables. Fruits will make the monsters fast and grow into a medium size. Meat will make the monsters grow into a larger size but the monster's movement speed will slow down, and vegetables will make the monster move a bit faster. Once the monsters has consumed at least three of each food types. They can only eat that one type of mean through out the game. Monsters can also pick up ammo and consume them and hit other players. Once the other players are hit, they will go a step back from evolving.
A 3D game which the player maintains his Terrarium to grow to eventually a Vivarium. Terrarium will consist of land only and Vivarium will consist of land and water and will be quite big. The player will have to tap to water the pants in the terrarium and the player will have to wait for a few days to make them grow. The game is a bit of a screensaver like game. The player may leave the terrarium for a few days and still his plants there. Players may gain coins by people visiting their terrarium. Similar to that of the online game "FarmVille" gameplay; other players may visit your terrarium and water the plants. Players may add some plants and animals (only reptiles and fish only) in his terrarium by buying plants in the shop. People may also purchase them through paying real money. Players may only put animals in the terrarium if their terrarium has its own eco system cycle. The goal of this game is to decorate your own terrarium to its full potential and eventually make it into a Vivarium.
An endless runner 3D game but instead of horizontal platform it would be vertical. The game will be on a bamboo tree with a red panda climbing endlessly. The controls of this game is tapping on the bamboo tree for the red panda to jump on to. There will be a lot of bamboo paths that the panda can climb up to; it will be a 360 degree rotation of a bamboo tree. If the bamboo runs out the player must tap to put the red panda to another bamboo so he can continue climbing. There will be power ups in this game; berries, birds, and leaves. Berries will make the red panda climb up fast. If certain amount of bamboo leaves are collected, the leaves will give him one life count. Birds can make him fly for a few seconds. The losing condition of this game is when the player fails to prevent the red panda from falling into the bamboo.
A 3D puzzle game where the player has to connect mini machines together to create a cycle of production. The gameplay will be similar as to that off "water pipe" games where the water proceeds trough and the player must prevent leakage to the system. In Machinas, the player is given a certain amount of money and can purchase a number of types of machines and the player must solve the problem under time pressure. The losing condition of this game is when the products falls into the ground. The player will earn money once the product has reached the finish line. The more product the player puts through the finish line the more money he gets. There are certain number of products each stage. Each stage is given a different amount of grid to vary the difficulty of building the Machinas. Each level will have its own limit of products to produce and if they limit is reached the level will end or the player can keep continuing to play even if the product limit has not been reached.
A 3D platform narrative game where the player gets to play as the "Munny" toy. The narrative is about saving his friends from the evil "labbits". During the main character's journey, he will pick up things that will help him increase his strength and also give aesthetics which will give him more powers. The player also can draw on the main character depending on what materials he has for drawing that he picks up during the game levels.
The player can also pick up pieces not only for his character, but also for his house which will be available in the main navigation page. Each world the player completes, he saves one friend and can unlock a character that he can play. During the game play, if the player has rescued one or more friends, he can change to whatever character he likes. He can also costumize them to make them strong. In the end, the player will defeat the evil "labbit" and everyone will be free. The game will official finish when the player defeats the "labbit" but the player can play the game but in an open world type. Players can make their own levels to share online and also make mini games, decorate houses and more customisation for their aesthetics. Players can repeat levels to unlock uncommon things, such as a golden skin of equipment.
A 3D 3rd person puzzle game where the player plays as a babysitter- but you are no ordinary baby sitter. In this game, you baby sit super hero babies. The goal of this game is to babysit super hero babies and try and make the house tidy as much as you can before the parents come back from whatever they were doing when they hire you in the first place. Each level has its main goal. The parents will talk to you about the house rules and will not tell you about their baby's super powers. Depending on the babies powers, he will disrupt the things around him, including yourself. Your goal is to make the baby sleep by discovering and observing his power and the player has to think about how to prevent disruption of the house and keeping yourself alive at the same time. Each level completion you will gain a certain power but you will not know until the next time you baby sit. This will make you a superhero in the end combining powers from children you baby sit!
Image from Disney's "The Incredibles"
A 3D RPG game where the player plays as a wolf from the mountain called "Blue Heart ". The player plays as a wolf which soon found that his innate elemental affinity to ice created trouble for all those around him. Wellsprings and mountain rivers froze in moments if he stopped to rest nearby; ripening crops were bitten by frost, and fruiting orchards turned to mazes of ice and came crashing down, spoiled. The ice wolf has been taken away from his kind by a human and now will plotting to escape to go on a journey through finding his kind. As he reaches the alps of the Blue Heart mountain, he discovers that his kind has been slaughtered and one of the female wolves has been taken away because she posses's the blue heart which contains the true power of the ice element. His is now left in a mission to save the female blue heart wolf in order to save their kind.
The wolf will use is abilities while he journeys through the world saving the female Blue heart wolf. The spirits of the the dead wolves will guide him along the way represented as wisps.
A 3D simulation game where the player plays as a platoon of pigeons. The aim of the game is to expand a platoon of pigeons to survive in an urban city in New Zealand called Auckland. As a pigeon, you would need to travel and hunt for food in order to survive. The game play will mostly revolve around looking for food and flying around the city.
Being a part of the food chain means there will also be predators and competitors with food. As the player journey around the city of Auckland, he will encounter predators such as dogs, or even cars which can damage any part of the pigeon's body or also cause death.
Other birds such as seagulls and sparrows, there will be fights amongst the other birds, while this happens, the player must create a way to steal their food while they are fighting, or the pigeon can even fight the other species. This would be a bit risky depending on the type of bird. The true goal of this game is to create the platoon of healthy pigeons enough to migrate to a better animal(pigeon) friendly place.Pigeon link
A 2D game which the player has to remember images in order to complete the level. In the middle of the screen, there will be an image that will show different kinds of pictures but they will be morphed with each other (similar to the image bellow). The player then have to remember the sequence it appeared in order. After the loop, there will be icons from the previous loop popped in to the screen. The player will point and click the icons in regards accordingly to their order. Similar to the game "simon" says. When the player finishes this phase, the player will have to fill in the blanks dash to describe or what is that group of images are. For example. burger, sandwich, fries, tacos, pizza. The player will need guess what group of items are shown and can write the right word for it . In this case, it would be _ _ _ _. The correct answer will be FOOD.
A 3D rhythm game where the taps the platonic solid. The player must tap the face where it lights up. The lighting pattern will sync on to the music played. The platonic shape will also move accordingly to the music played in the background. There will be a tutorial to start off the game so the player will pick up how the game is played. The difficulty of the game will vary on the mode the player chooses. It entirely depends on how fast the song is as well but it does not matter either way. Similar to the game of Dance Dance Revolution or DDR the difficulty will start from Beginner, Intermediate, Heavy, Challenge.
This game will also have a physical version but it will have to have additional vibrations in order for the player to feel which face is lighting up. The size of the platonic solid would be the size of a small version of a basket ball. The music will be built in or the players may import songs that they play around with.
GIF by Thorarin
A 2D app game where the player has to catch coloured tea cups . There will be falling tea cups, tea plate, and spoons from the top of the screen. The player must catch them accordingly with their matching colours. The matches should be in order from tea plate, tea cup and tea spoon, in order to make them disappear. The player can swipe the tea cup from left to right in order to catch them accordingly. The swiping can overlap the screen and the side will get mirrored on the other side of the screen. In order to make the tea cups disappear the player must tap on them. The player can choose not to tap it in order to get a greater score or combo of the same colour tea cups. The game will incrementally get fast phase in order to make the game harder over time. If the player fails to match the coloured tea cups accordingly, and if the stack reaches the top of the screen, it is game over.
Art work by myself.
3D co-op game maximum up to 3-8 players. Players need to kill monsters that come from the ground.They wont know the where about of the monster unless they cooperate with each other. They are riding monster trucks with heavy armour. They gain extra ammo by killing other small monsters and could upgrade parts when the monsters drop some scrap metals. The team leader will have the radar of which tracks the monster and has to communicate with the team for their next move. Once they finish killing the monster, they get to go home in their base and do some customisation on their trucks. The controls for this game is pretty straight forward. The players need to aim for the monster and need to avoid getting hit. Players only live once every "raid". Players could also travel in groups to level up and collect truck parts or just by doing little quests. This played in Xbox one and ps4.
An exploration game where the player plays as a fire fly. The aim of the game is to collect other fire flies to create a hive to explore the vast world of "Winterhurst". The player will travel as a firefly in 3rd person perspective and will collect fireflies along the way when by just going past them, they have to be touching. As the number of fire flies increase, the faster the travel speed would be. The point of this game is to explore the world of "Winterhurst" and spread light to the plants and trees in the woods. The plants and trees are starting to die because the winter lasts a bit too long; hence why the name of the place "Winterhurst". In order to save the life of plants, flowers and trees, the fire flies have to explore the forest and give light to them. Plants and flowers are easy to give light to. The fire flies have to assign one of them in order to "feed" off light. The trees is a bit hard to do depending on how big the tree is, the whole hive actually have to explore the whole body of the tree and give it light.
An open world sandbox game where the player plays as a circle blob of clay to start off. The game will be 3D but will have the "claymation/clay style" look to it. Similar to the aesthetic of the game "Skull Monkeys". In world of clay, the players journey revolves around building structures to build his own world. In this game the player will not play a character. He will play as himself. The player will only control the circle blob in order to start off and collect for other clay types. The player has the ability to mould and sculpt the clay. The player can combine, cut and separate clay objects (just real life clay). The player can also create living creatures and other sorts of things, the sky isn't the limit. The game will be in 3rd person but the player can adjust cameras in order to get a better look of the world he has made.
3d tower defence game which main objective is to save the forest. This game is a straight forward tower defence game but with a mix of controlling units and attacking the invaders or in this case the evil woodcutters. The player will build trees which will protect the ancient tree which the player will decide to place in the beginning of the game. Once the player places the ancient tree, he is give 2 free tree protectors (tower).'
Tree protectors have the ability to "leech seed" which their roots go out from the ground and grabs the enemy unit by the feet.
The units can be produced by planting trees and making them alive to make them walk.
The player will need to acquire resources to plant trees. Resources are gained from killing the enemy units. The enemy units also can contain seeds which the player can plant to make extra strong units. These units are able to be controlled by the player to attack.
The wining condition of this game is when the wave is been finished and the losing condition would be if the ancient tree life is 0.
Treant from DOTA2
The game is set in a post apocalyptic world without any organic living thing existing. The human race has destroyed the planet earth and chose to dwell in the universe in their man made space station that can sustain human life in a limited amount of time. This game is a 3rd person sand box game where the player plays as a robot that has the ability to consume scraps from the wastelands of the Earth and spit it out into a certain shapes. Similarly to the robot from the movie "Wall-e". Each player can get to choose which robot he wants to use at the start of the game. The square, circle and the triangle robot. Each player can also upgrade their parts by crafting materials. The robots can also in order to produce other cool materials and also produce other unique shapes. These shapes could be stacked together in order to create structures. There is also a story mode for this game. In the story mode, the player must look for an organic matter in order to revive the earth.
A 3D RPG horror game where the player plays as Ichabod Crane. This game revolves around the narrative story of the legend of the Sleepy Hollow. Crane goes to Sleepy Hollow, to be a schoolmaster of the village. Sleepy Hollow's most famous supernatural phenomenon is the ghost of the Headless Horseman, said to be a Hessian soldier who lost his head to a cannon ball during the Revolutionary War. The Horseman is seen most often riding by the church, where local historians say he was buried. He is believed to be always in search of his head. Ichabod is fascinated by this story, being especially interested (and prone to believe) in tales of the supernatural.
In this game, Crane has fallen in love with Katrina Van Tassel, a beautiful young woman of eighteen, is one of Crane's students. Katrina does not find any affection towards Crane at all; so Crane does a deal with the Headless Horseman. Crane, has made a deal where he has to collect someone's head and give it to the Headless Horseman to make Katrina fall in love with him. In order for Crane to collect heads, he disguises as the headless horseman. But he needs to plan his attacks in order to not get noticed. The end of this game is to satisfy the Headless Horseman's needs to fulfill the deal with the Headless Horseman.
Hunt is a 3D platform game where the player plays as a fox. The fox is called Beau (pronounces as bó) and he has stolen some chicken from the palace and other sorts of food, where the Hound guards and dwells. Now the hound is on the hunt for Beau and he would search high and low for him and even kidnap every fox he sees.
This game is a 3rd person game similarly to the crash bandicoot series. The main objective of this game is to escape from the hound. Each level completion will have a reward of a fox that has been kidnapped by the hound. They will be in a cage. In the final stage, the player will have to duel the hound and dodge the bullets that he fires on Beau and have to also have to do a counter attack in order to damage the hound's life and defeat him eventually. The game idea is inspired from fantastic Mr. Fox a film by Wes Anderson.
This animation is made by me and a couple of friends during my 3D animation course. 3D models and rigged by Isabelle Dela Torre (me).
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