Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
I was inspired by the cool temple wall art by MrTedders and wanted to make my own. His was done by hand, but I wanted to make something similar using the computer. I have a lot of interest in computer generated content and this case seemed like a perfect opportunity to use it.
I want to use these techniques to generate some interesting patterns for game development. Maybe not this particular pattern, but something.
I made this pattern with a bunch of what I called Crawlers. Basically a crawler is a little bug that leaves a trail behind it as it walks around and keeps track of where it has been. My crawlers follow a set of very simple rules to make their patterns:
Those 6 simple rules generate random patterns that look like this:
Cool stuff. I like how computer generated art almost always has some animation "built in" by showing the steps etc.
joined 3,625 days ago
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This looks lovely <# Love the animation