"Fallout 4? I'm gonna build my own Fallout. With Blackjack. And Hookers."

Not really though.

Stephan9 years ago

@Bobbo I love isometric games. Still figuring out how to paint that correctly for my own games without it becoming too much work.

Fallout 3 was difficult for me. I mean, it was OK, I played many hours. But I remembered the dialogues and the atmosphere of the old games fondly and here it was just 'meh'. Even New Vegas, where the writing was better, had that same boring look.

Bobbo9 years ago

3d is for suckers.

Actually though, it might just be nostalgia talking, but I enjoy the 2D isometric view for these types of games. I enjoyed Fallout 3 and the 3D engine, but to me it should always be played like I see it here.

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