Some kind of tropical loop thing. Debating whether or not to use for future songs...


More submissions by smolio for Weekly Music 2015

A submission by smolio for Weekly Music 2015 33

Having fun with sampling. Also having fun with layers.


A submission by smolio for Weekly Music 2015 24

Gonna be tied up on some other project for the rest of the week so just submitting some altered midi snippets I made long whiles ago. I reversed and sped it up and I'm thinking to take some melodic ideas for a more finished full sounding song... Maybe it'll be next week's attempted song. *obligatory apologies for microsoft wavetable sound*


A submission by smolio for Weekly Music 2015 22

I'll just submit what I was supposed to for last week. Not sure what direction it's heading in or what it's doing... Maybe some kind of dilapidated toy shop area music?

Also, I'm thinking of getting into FM synthesis. Anybody got suggestions, ideas, advice, (non-scary) tutorials, etc.?


Trying to see what I can make of a bunch of free soundfonts


Uh-oh, time snuck up on me 8/ Gotta develop this a lot more, but better than nothing right? (It may be hard to hear the first few seconds without headphones)


A submission by smolio for Weekly Music 2015 17

Not sure what to do with this anymore...


Weekly Music 2015

Make a new composition every week

weekly from 2015-01-26 to 2015-12-31