Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
almost went black and white for this one, but decided to lean into fujifilm's saturated velvia emulation + the purple shadows caused by the lens
took a couple trips in college where i shot only jpegs because i was worried about not having enough storage space for the raws… one of my biggest regrets! still got good shots, just more limited in my editing options.
I like phone camera apps that just give you what they give you, kinda like film. this is HUJI for android
taken with an old $20 thrift store 70-200mm macro lens i got relatively recently. still feel like I'm figuring out how best to edit the photos it produces. to me it makes them look like a painting, or a perhaps a dream.
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This looks almost microscopic! Like something from a sfx shot in Annihilation! Or maybe a reef underwater! Great stuff!
the weird smearing from the lens looks so cool with these colors, nice