Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
It's ofishial - our team is fully complete! With 4 people: Rohit as a dev/programmer, me - Yahor - as a game designer, Thi as a sound designer/producer and, last but not least, Javier as an artist/animator!
On day 3 of the jam we've started the content creation process - just as we planned. We've discussed the style and the mood of our project with Javier and Thi, while Rohit have been working hard on the core mechanics implementation.
Check our baby out! We believe it's coming out perfect 🥹
@FishPerson12 thanks :))
Its looking real good
These look really good, I can't wait to see what the team will pump out.
So, we had a little setback, because there's still no artist in our team, but hopefully this is temporary.
Yesterday we've planned out our programming tasks and discussed some gameplay details. We've created a github repo, pushed our project and added links to our design doc and task list. Our programmer has finished the fish wandering behavior, attaching a video he sent 😎
Today we're having a sound design discussion and continue our core gameplay development. Day 3 is starting, so naturally we enter a content creation stage of our development cycle.
Fish us luck!!
@Beebster @Beebster thanks :))