Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
Sat for a gross count. Maybe 30 minutes?
Tried to notice as many things as possible.
Could hear a plane whooshing outside, air whooshing through the vents in the house, the whoosh of my own breath, and even the whoosh of my dog breathing.
Very whooshy.
yoga nidra sleep meditation.
that counts right?
half gross after a heard workout
spent most of the time concentrating on my heartbeat.
ten minute sit
did you know that alanis morrisette made a legit album of meditation music????
missed a couple days!
back at it with a short 10 minute half gross.
late submission. sat a demigross.
not much to report.
i was reading a book, and started to fall asleep in my chair.
but instead of drifting off, I decided to focus and meditate for about five minutes.
and then i went to sleep :P
Went for a run, sat for a gross breaths.
Caught myself noticing and labeling a lot during my run this morning. "Narrating Remembering. Planning." etc.
Felt very meditative.
Sit felt kind of undisciplined.
Became very curious about the idea of "Revision" and why one might feel compelled to think about how things might have gone differently. I don't think you would ever think about doing things differently unless you are dissatisfied in some way with the way things are.
But also that the causation might be reversed. Maybe sometimes it is the mental act of revision that causes dissatisfaction.
got my cushion out, set a timer for 20 minutes, and sat down.
felt some discomfort in my back at first, fidgeted around until it went away.
counted 12s and got halfway to a gross. might just count a gross next time instead of setting a timer.
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"Gross"? A baker's dozen of whooshies (sounds like the way) to go!